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Friday, November 15, 2019

Eliminates The Useless And Irrelevance

time and tides wait for no man...

There are moments when people need help
There are urgency that cannot wait & require immediate attention
I will be there
But, when the reverse happens...I am also there alone
If there is a ruler to measure helping and asking for help, I would have a ruler that runs round to globe reflecting the former
Not that I needed help but I have to learn to resist helping others
My time, effort and resources are ill-spent

Respecting others' time is another virtue
When you let others wait idly for you, it reflects badly on you
Our time is finite; time spent on you means others are deprived of it
We must make the best use of time and spend it wisely and fruitfully
Only the best and non-toxic members deserve your time


In today's internet world, the information avalanche is simply humongous
Wechat, Whatsapp, Twitter, Linkedln, world is overwhelmed with datas
Many are getting lonelier than happier and stress is more intense as machines replace humans
There is minimum to no human interaction
Human devoid of others co-relation is void and lonely and suffers mental decay
The empty mind is the devil's workshop

The deluge of of eInformation and eFriends are detrimental
I safely assume I do not know 70% of my hp-contacts and others in the eChatsGroups
And, I wasted efforts and time just doing eCommunication; they only exist in space - the radiowave
No one can come to my rescue when I'm in need
I am not hopelessly negative but I am learning to be practical - only true friends count
And, I gonna do spring cleaning of my eFriends and eAcquaintances

Eliminate the useless, well not that they were useful
Forget the acquaintances and the "hellows from the Blue Moons"
Block those who knock on my doors for helps and favors and disappear almost as immediately
Blackmarked 拉黑那些无事不登三宝殿   the parasites
I would have save 30% of time & happily 'extend' my life
There are many who will love my presence

I am occasionally stress myself to the brink
Standing by the cliff and I ponder what's next
The Great GOD comes by to relieve me of my silliness
And give me a reprieve
At moments like these, I re-energised

Some day, some how; I will run out of time

But, I will live every day as currently and current as I possibly could
Today, as I breath, I am alive
I may expire any time...
Henceforth, I live everyday to the fullest

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