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Friday, October 25, 2019

Die Or Dying

the last breathe is the final...

What if I know or I'm told that my days are numbered? Surprise, reject, accept or resigned...
Being born and dying is never a choice
You can't choose when to come and to which family and you can's stay a day more if it's time to go
You arrive wailing and when you leave, others wail
We arrive naked and return fairly naked but clothe by those sending you off
They sing birthday hymns on arrival as they'd sing religious hymns on departure

Who's GOD or that Godly person that many refer to? He is nothing more but a "feelings of sorts"
But, MAN needs someone to hold his hands in uncertain times - the longings for comfort
Man need GOD but no Man, or few, has seen GOD
Strangely, Man longed to go to Heaven & avoid Hell
But, why not live a heavenly life on Earth than to hope to go to heaven; it may not exist at all
Why make living on Earth hell (or hellish) and try to avoid Hell on your passing? There is a choice

Live your best when others live worse

No two person will be equally happy even if their wealth are equal
I met a friend, in the 60s, walking with a limp, carrying a plastic bag, looks happy but shag & aged
He is worth at least s$500m; no mistake
I cannot say "he is not unhappy" but I can safely say he has aged alot and his smile is much less radiant
He has everything many people want; family, big houses, cars, money...but few friends
I can only guess, as we aged, friends and companions are important ...a few good, genuine friends

I have few regrets if I know I am dying or will die soon
Fear? Maybe, but do I have a choice? Guess not, but my will to live is my extension licence
Accept? Acceptance is when the Mind submits to the AlMighty GOD; someone no one has seen
Resigned to Fate? When you have no choice, there is really no point resisting
Going with the flow makes leaving easier and smoother
Maybe, you find a better abode upon departure - nobody knows

Frankly, it is not about the comings and going; it is the quality of living

I have been there, done that 酸甜苦辣

My future is unknown albeit comfortable with tinglings of disruptions from time to time
It pains me that the more I devote time and resources, the more likely it will frustrate me
Guess, when there is no expectations, there is no disappointments
But, laughing it away is my antidote and humour is my defence
Yes, I do crack from time to time but i metamorphose into recovery 

Deep inside me, I do not want to know I am dying or will die soon
I'd rather flicker out like a sudden outage
Do I have a choice? Steve Jobs has everything in the world but he was made aware of his mortality
Nobody goes off happily and willingly; at least not all
I guess knowing or not knowing is also "not a choice"

Come whatever may
Do whatever fits
For there is never a certainty on Earth
Everything is variable
When the bell rings, the class ends  

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