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Friday, October 4, 2019


rushing is 'walking into more uncertainties'...

Patience is valueless
Although patience can be taught and learnt but few are able to master it
The need to stay cool, calm and unmoved in adversity is a test of the Soul, not physical
Many cool-cucumbers cracked during trying times
It is not merely about holding back but the desire to exact an immediate change causes the spins

You need nine months to 'make' a baby & you can't make love to 9 women and gets a baby tomorrow

Solutions lie within the problem & focusing on the problem only magnify the issue
When anxieties creep in, anarchy follows
No one is any wiser without a sound, stable & calm mind

All thing passes like day and night
The good passes faster as you indulge while the bad passes slower as you sulk
You can't pick ideal solutions in chaos
You must live one realm above the rest to decipher the truth from the myths

Some say the paths to Hell is paved with gold
Why bother to wait to enjoy heaven when you lived in 'Hell on Earth'? Make your earthly life heavenly & enjoy the most while you are alive

Time is the best friend
Patience is the best antidote
And, you are the best practitioner
With grit, the mind stabilizes & the brain works wonders
The decision to do (YES), not to do (NO) or to shelf (KIV) ...are all solutions

In a war, you need to survive
In famine, you withstand hunger & eat to live
In corporate retrenchments, you continue to perform but lie low 
In poverty, you live with dignity and honesty
In mourning, you allow yourself private spaces to 'live out the pains and miseries'

Patience is not procrastination

When things go wrong as they sometimes will
Chasing the solutions are more important than looking for the 'fall guy'
When the situation is restored and running, you have a choice to seek out the problem kid
By then, it may have becomes irrelevant
Use your energy and efforts for positive pursuits

Patience is an art

I took some minutes to capture this sunset
It's not as if I can move the sun forward & drop
it into the horizon
And I let the sun sets on me

Impatience can cause untold damages
The future is as certain as  your decision
When the rice is cook, you cannot find grains

Patience is a virtue

The Natural Order of Nature cannot be expedited
The form shall manifest only after the time is due
Many want instant gratification
The best time to plant a seed is ten years ago
The best time to eat the fruit is today if you have planted & done your part

Whatever works
Patience gives the extended mileage
With grit and patience, the Soul conquers new frontiers

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