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Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Victory Tastes Sweetest

sweat it out ...

Tears, sweat, hunger and blood are little sacrifices toward victory
Success is 99% sweat & 1% luck
Well, not really...but luck is still dominant - ask the losers
It is easy to cheer the boxer, the runner or the political candidate in the heat of the events
But, few will understand the efforts, 'defeats' and sweat that went through
Nobody starts with a 'defeat' in mind but it is the believe in yourself & grit that push forward

In a short 1 hour conversation over drinks, a friend asked me repeatedly "so what have you achieved" with all your efforts thrown in? I calmly said "not much but ..."
I have three houses and two cars and he...still paying for his public apartment - our age is not too far apart

When you keep doubting yourself, how can you ever achieve? The start point is hollow
With hopes & grit, the journey is a little easier
With a positive mind, the journey becomes a breeze
Sure, we may meet dusts storms and gusty winds but never waver
Nobody knows what success is until you achieve your goal - the trophy does change over time

When the kid gets his ice-cream, when he graduates from pre-school - these means nothing but are achievements in their own right
When the man gets a job & when he gets promoted - these meant alot
When the woman marries, she wins her preferred best man & he is "her everything in her world"
When he dies and he receives a proper decent burial, he quietly leaves with dignity
Simple victories, different feelings

The best time to plant a tree is now & the best time to long for the/it's fruits was 10 years into the future; You cannot have the fruits by planting a seed today
Just like it takes nine months to get a baby & it doesn't mean you impregnate 9 women today and the baby arrives tomorrow
The pupa cracks to allow the butterfly to evolve; a natural drying of its wings allow it to fly & to add color and beautify the garden
If you break the pupa and help to remove the butterfly, it becomes incapacitated and dies
Nature has her methods to perfection - time

Many can drive but few can be a F-1 driver
Many can be fathers but few can be an 'ideal' dad
The best are nurtured over time
There is no need to complain and sulk after defeats as success is the best antidote
When the chips are low, lie low, rejuvenate, refresh, relearn and unlearn
Be ready & pounce when opportunity abounds again

Opportunities must be acted upon and crystalized
There are many geniuses but few successful ones
If only you change, nothing changes, victory included

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