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Saturday, September 14, 2019

You Just Cannot Be Too Trusting

what's more painful than being betrayed...

The saddest thing about betrayal is it never comes from your enemies
And, betrayals have a way of repeating itself by sponging on the weakness of your heart
防人之心不可无 害人之心不可有
However you thought that you were prepared, the perpetrator seemed to be able to pry into your weaknesses, that is, kindness
I have been a victim as I have witnessed many victims; not for lack of IQ but simply weak at heart

The best defence is attack
When hit by scam, deception or simply 'conned', it is best to hit back hard
But, how many will or can? More often than not, it's not worth hitting back
Many believe that someone else will serves the karma but...

Are you any happier that the scammer, con-artist or cheats meet a painful death? No, whatever for
Everyone will die some day and their mode of exit is destine
Why should a painful, suffering death be a happy occasion lest to exchange for a bigger, personal hurt
The victims gain nothing 

Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime - Mineko Iwasaki

Trusting someone over money is the silliest act yet it's as common as commonsense
Spending time to aid another who never value your assistance is a lost cause
Physical losses are temporary but emotional losses are etched for life
Time lost to a lost cause can never be recovered 

Not all losses can be cut short
Marriage, electing a politician, signing a contractual obligation...take a painfully long time to dissolve
It's not the length of time to expiration but the draining emotion that saps the Soul
Walk away, walk far, far away and don't ever look back

When trust is gone, any other word becomes a passing - let it pass
I am still trying to be ungullible
But, I know, deep inside me, I have weak heart
Nevertheless, I will hit back hard the next time
That's what I say now...will I? Haha, it is not in me nor my character to be vengeful

Guess, until then...




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