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Sunday, September 1, 2019

Autumn - The Time To Be

when autumn arrives ...

When romance sprouts in September (May-September Romance), tongues wag
Especially if a younger man weds a more senior woman than the reverse
It is not just unorthodox but the physiological advancement of the lady makes child bearing a little more challenging
But, love is blind and romance knows no age-bar   
The old notion that child-bearing is a necessity should evaporates over time

When Autumn comes, plants begin to shed their leaves to conserve and prepare for winter
Autumn is a time to harvest, reflect and catch up with the magic of crystalizing your dreams & plans
After nine months of hard work, the baby arrives & so must the rewards of your efforts
If your Resolutions didn't come close to fruition, there is still time to change course
Repeating the same solutions to an existing problem do not lead to answers

I love Autumn, also known as Fall, where the weather cools & it's the transition from summer into winter
Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall.
The falling leaves remind that life is temporary yet resourceful
Gives up some as the old fade away and the new shall return in due course
Repairs and fresh energy will always rekindle an aging body
Rejoice; our body (cell) replaces itself and makes us better - We will win 
Apart from harvesting丰收时辰, Autumn is also the time to slow down
To let the body recharges and the Soul to reenergize
It is the season to replenish, restock and getting ready for winter
Autumn is a timely reminder to be prepared for exigencies and the challenge winter brings 
Be prepared as always

Even the leaf struggle against the elements
We survive in any environment; hot, cold, wintry
Human, like all living things, fight to survive
It's a natural instincts

Survival of the fittest and the Rules of the Jungle are fast applied to Mankind
Selfishness, greed and space constraints are disrupting the ecosystem
Like rats in a cubicle; they'll fight to survive

Unless, and until, Mankind learn and practice compassion and care, living conditions will not be any better

Will Man self destruct? Guess, commonsense is no longer commonly available
When it should end, it will

But, Winter never comes suddenly
Autumn is here to remind ALL to be prepared
Be good, be nice, be compassionate and be prepared
Tomorrow is never promised but tomorrow shall come
Like Sunrise and Sunset, the Evil shall be destroyed long before the world implodes

When the Spirit is willing, the Mind delivers

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