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Tuesday, January 7, 2020

2020 & The Decade Ahead

new year and new decade ahead ...

By late 2019, I postulate that in 2020, the world will remain uncertain within the first 6 months and shall see the worst by 3rdQtr, with recovery towards end 2020.

Brexit, trade wars, HK and SCSeas are fast accepted as new normal. Even, whatever happened to Taiwan's election can only be better.

As for investment, my favorite was, and still is gold. Investments in equity is strictly on the blue chips which reflect daily necessities, basic needs fulfillment, commodities, AI, eCommerce & eSolutions and logistics. Banks are a little tricky but be selective.  

For the adventurous, 5% - 10% can be invested in non-liability & penny stocks.

Not a day passes without threats of violence and wrath of Nature. I am not concerned about the madness of violence and threats around the world; what will snowball into major conflicts are some mad men/women pulling the triggers. You need level-minded leaders and stable military hands to prevent a castrophe.

Globalization will be transformed from one-on-one to permanency following the implementation of OBOR initiatives:

1.0 Interstate and direct Free Trade Agreements between Nations
2.0 Free Trade Agreements between Economic Blocs or Group of Nations
3.0 Belt-Road Initiatives (BRI) 先建路桥港
条条大路通罗马】The physical linking of roads, bridges and ports allow more permanency of trades and logistics greased exchanges

China's One Belt, One Road (OBOR - 2013) initiatives will serve to concretize the world of commerce, estimated at $43trillion (2016) 

Globally, China stands tall in eCommerce, ePayments & eSolutions plus her intents to introduce the crypto-exchange and YuanCoin will further booster OBOR -  a global-centric platform providing FinTech, blockchain crypto-solutions, bridging resources, assets and eBanking.
Globalization will find a natural linear solution in OBOR全球化(商业)将成为线性一条龙方案
Barring any unforeseen, the next growth cycle should be Asian-centric and China will be the lead player.

On a personal note, medicine and medical treatment will rise. Stay healthy and have a happy mind as it soothes the heart and improve the quality of life. Worries do not solve problems.
What if problems repeatedly surface? Well, it's either the solution didn't work, was unsustainable or the problem manifest. You can be concerned but need not worries; sometimes it just fade away.

Man proposes, GOD disposes

健康就是本钱 有了健康万事能 钱买不到健康也没人可以帮你受苦


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