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Sunday, February 16, 2020

Slow Down & Watch The Winner Wins

winning & its pains...

The world loves a winner; any winner
History is written by winners
Glorious empires come and go; mismanagement, complacency & selfishness killed all
No nations, big or small, can survive by betraying their own citizens
The indifference and lackadaisical attitude towards commoners' concerns are their Achilles hill
Trust, when broken, can hardly be restored

Fruits of labor is as sweet as there is a harvest
No amount of sweet talks, half truths & lies can warrant performances
Why do you pay for someone to lord over you? But, the fool & his money will soon part
When you leave your fate to others, you shalt enjoy his providence
Trusting someone blindly is not unlike leaving the cat in the fishery
The pen is mightier than the sword - vote for the best person

The winner will always be challenged
The champion will have to take on the challengers; again and again
You must know when to quit - quitting at the peak for sportspersons is the norm
知足常乐 胜者为王
Lights shine on winners only - there is no need to feel ashamed being a loser
Most people couldn't even remember who's the Number 2
[Neil Armstrong was the first man on the moon; who's number 2? Edwin Aldrin
Jeff Bezos is the riches man in the world; who's number 2? Bill Gates]

漏气不要紧 不要没气 人在事在 人亡事完

Society grows great when people plant trees whose shades the future generation sit in & enjoy
前人栽树 后人乘凉
My labor today shalt be the fruits of the future
The land of abundance lives in the mind
Think of possibilities
You are as restrained as where your mind brings you

Winners are seen, recognized and glorified
But, no one sees their sweat, tears, blood & sacrifices before victory
To each his own
Today's victory maybe tomorrow's history
Be there, done that

Hurry not for we are all running towards the end

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