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Saturday, March 14, 2020

How Lucky Can Lucky Be?

born, age, sick, die ... is a journey

Global capital markets went into a tailspin after the effects of trade-wars restrictions and tariffs
Throw in the contagion, Covid19, sprinkled with global border closures, isolation and quarantine
You have it made
Global economies grind to a <50 activities="" lockdowns="" p="" performances="" while="" zerorise="">
Wall Street fell almost 30% from its peak, bringing along other bourses
Equities, bonds, treasuries, gold, ETFs, hard assets, bitcoins drop like there's no tomorrow
Govts scrambled to stymie the 'collapse'
Many doomsday preachers surfaced to add credence to their beliefs

In my January blogpost, I did mention the turbulence & volatility in 1st Qtr & into 2nd Qtr
I also mentioned increase demands for medical & medicines
I am not a soothesayer but just providing level minded postulations
The world will turn better in the last Qtr, 2020

In life, it is not how bad things will become
It is whether when the situation turns better, are you sufficiently prepared to ride the next waves
More importantly, are you around and alive to harvest the next lap
Opportunities abound in crisis 危机

After years of being in the pink of health and fitness, I had an sudden uneventful gall bladder rupture which required immediate surgery
Four months after, I had to do another surgery to rid a growth and mend a hernia
Nobody wants to get into trouble but if it comes, 'take it by the horn' & resolve
There is no running away from a challenge

I am LUCKY as at both times, I have access to medical helps
I am equally LUCKY that I avoided the financial chaos & rout that many were caught off-guard
I am LUCKY that I came out well and alive
LUCK is where preparation meets opportunity - I am prepared & GOD presents the opportunity

Health is our capital
Without health, nothing can be achieved - no fame, no power, no wealth; not when you are dead
There is no need to delve into and be stuck in misery and misfortune
Between life and death, you are the ultimate DECIDER

Live simply and count your blessings活在当下

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