to fight or retreat...
If you want to do it or you desire something, you will throw in your heart and soul to get it
Nothing is beyond your reach if you so desired
Anthony died for Cleopatra, LiangSanPo and ZhuYinDai died for love
Edward VIII gave up his throne to marry his lover, Wallis Simpson
Japan's Princess Ayako of Takamado married Kei Moriya, a commoner, & gave up her title
When a woman wants to see her man, there is no chance that the man can slip away from her grasp
When a Man wants to see his woman, he will scheme to entrap her
The world's champion is not necessarily the tallest, strongest, fastest nor ablest
The champion is one who repeats his skills so many times that he perfected his moves
There is no room for error nor lapses
Champions have only one goal, that is, to win & continue winning
The guard against losing is harder that the journey towards winning
I am against giving up ... & hated most if the other person opening words are "I cannot..., no can't"
Giving up is the easiest
It is success and winning that need grit, perseverance and infinite energy
The rostrum is for winner, the leader, the achiever, the gamechanger
Sadly amidst the happiness, victory is temporary - that moment of fame is so momentary
But, success tastes sweetest
Will I fight or retreat? I fight to win as I do not "just" fight
I retreat to muster enough readiness to win - 以退为进
Why sacrifice unnecessarily when you are not ready? That's a fool's goal called martyr
Bruce Lee fought his way to stardom & paid with his life
Jet Li retreated from stardom to live a simple, healthy life
To the perfectionist, life is temporary
I am looking toward a sedated, calm, spiritual life away from material pursuit
I am training to be at ease, at peace & non-provokable - it's is harder than I thought
I am trying to cease speaking & be a "man of few words" - the less I speak, the wiser I become
I wanna spend time on self-discovery - what & who am I? To seek some level of enlightenment
Not a buddha but a budhisattva
Away from the earthly, humanly desires
Fight or flight - I am a fighter & I fight to win
Even in retreat, I seek to achieve
My goals are within & my relationship with GOD is a one-on-one relation
I seek peace from within & lightens up all around me
Like the candle, I like up others & my surroundings will never be dark
To many, GOD is absent - HIS presence is felt not seen nor touch
Omnipotence means God is all-powerful ...HE has supreme power and has no limitations
Omniscience means God is all-knowing. ... bluff HIM not
Omnipresence means God is everywhere at the same time ...HIS presence is felt
If you do not fight for yourself, no one will
If you leave your fight to others, you will live in his shadow
Do not expect to gain from others' destiny
You cannot control Nature's wrath but you can adjust & sail along to avoid the worst
We may be in the same storm, but definitely not the same boat
Be positive for tomorrow shall come
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Monday, May 11, 2020
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Are Your Ready for Post-COVID19
bit by bit, a little at a time...
Mother's day is here again; is it to glorify the sacrifices that Mums had made or is it to remember her prowess to 'make another human'? The need to procreate is Nature's law
Cancer, like pregnancy, starts with a cell and multiply - this is the first lesson of Good & Bad
When the baby arrives, it cries and the world laughs with joy
When you pass on, the world cries as there is one fewer to share the sorrows of life and living
生老病死 the natural journey
酸甜苦辣 the spices of life
36,500 days is only 100 years
Few are born rich but dying poor is your own doing
Between life & death, you are the writer, actor, owner & decider
Chasing material goods are human's basic necessity but it must not be excessive
We need money to survive, to help others & ourselves as it's a means to an end
Compassion, magnanimity, "care & share" and empathy are possibles
Strangely, humans are more cooperative in natural disasters than good times
灾难见真情 your friends and foes crystalized & manifest upon calamities
The poor, less fortunate & the weak must muster all the grit, energy, be organized and stand up
Expecting others to fight your dreams is living others' dreams; his destiny is your goal
六根清净 if you can live beyond material comforts but basics, life is a joy
六亲不认 greed, power, fame, selfishness breed contempt
Politics is about popular votes & blind followings
There is no permanent friends or enemies in politics & business; all are acquaintances
Success comes ...a little at a time
Only fame comes overnight; fame is a liability & is costly - everyone wants to challenge you
Laughs at little successes & failures - it lighten the heart and make living a pleasure
If you cannot laugh at yourself, it is the beginning of sickness, downfall and death
The stresses that you build within will destroy yourself
A weakened body and mind is a sickness harbor - slowly but surely
Get up and get going; the healthy you conquer ALL
健康就是本钱 possibilities are infinite when alive
David Koch, the world's 11th billionaire died at 79
Steve Jobs money could not prolong his life
Kate Spade died at 55
Paul Allen co-founder of Microsoft died at 65, >53 years after having non-Hodgkins lymphoma
COVID is another gamechanger not unlike 9/11 and SARS
Many impossibles were made, or became, possibles in the last few months
There are plentiful to reflect, to change, to adapt, to initiate & to be prepared
Luck is where preparation meets opportunity
Nothing drops from Heaven as the fool and his wealth will soon part
In crises, conserve your resources, lie low when your chips are low
Learn, be prepared, train repeatedly & be ready; when opportunity presents, pounce
There is no better chance than when everyone is giving up or having doubts
There are >5,000 airlines worldwide & all were grounded ; an impossible previously
Countries locked down & borders were closed ; another previous impossible
Food supplies & necessities were truncated and supply chains were disrupted
Travels were decimated, celebrations ceased, eCommerce & eSolutions boomed
Working from home is a new normal
Medical supplies, accessories, personnels ...became the new found fad & necessities
As Nature reclaims superiority, Mother Earth becomes cleaner
Leveling down defeats trickling down economics
For everyone of all ages, your opportunity is here
Initiate, adopt, adapt, revisit ideas that were ahead of the curves and stay calm & calculated
Your chance to create a niche & conquer the unknown is only possible if you push forward with zeal
Nobody but you determine your own Destiny
GOD... God is absent to allow you to play 'God' so as to strengthen your resolves
Some days soon, when you succeed, you know that GOD was watching over you
But, if you fail, don't blame HIM but seek HIS guidance
A bit at a time & that's how successes come
Repeatedly applying the same formula to an existing problem are fools' goal
Dogmatically following SOPs are the surest way to failures as these are reactives
Commonsense is the best antidote in such acute yet fluid situation
Being proactive is being ahead of the curve; there is no "If I know..."
When COVID is over...soon, a new batch of winners will appear
Mother's day is here again; is it to glorify the sacrifices that Mums had made or is it to remember her prowess to 'make another human'? The need to procreate is Nature's law
Cancer, like pregnancy, starts with a cell and multiply - this is the first lesson of Good & Bad
When the baby arrives, it cries and the world laughs with joy
When you pass on, the world cries as there is one fewer to share the sorrows of life and living
生老病死 the natural journey
酸甜苦辣 the spices of life
36,500 days is only 100 years
Few are born rich but dying poor is your own doing
Between life & death, you are the writer, actor, owner & decider
Chasing material goods are human's basic necessity but it must not be excessive
We need money to survive, to help others & ourselves as it's a means to an end
Compassion, magnanimity, "care & share" and empathy are possibles
Strangely, humans are more cooperative in natural disasters than good times
灾难见真情 your friends and foes crystalized & manifest upon calamities
The poor, less fortunate & the weak must muster all the grit, energy, be organized and stand up
Expecting others to fight your dreams is living others' dreams; his destiny is your goal
六根清净 if you can live beyond material comforts but basics, life is a joy
六亲不认 greed, power, fame, selfishness breed contempt
Politics is about popular votes & blind followings
There is no permanent friends or enemies in politics & business; all are acquaintances
Success comes ...a little at a time
Only fame comes overnight; fame is a liability & is costly - everyone wants to challenge you
Laughs at little successes & failures - it lighten the heart and make living a pleasure
If you cannot laugh at yourself, it is the beginning of sickness, downfall and death
The stresses that you build within will destroy yourself
A weakened body and mind is a sickness harbor - slowly but surely
Get up and get going; the healthy you conquer ALL
健康就是本钱 possibilities are infinite when alive
David Koch, the world's 11th billionaire died at 79
Steve Jobs money could not prolong his life
Kate Spade died at 55
Paul Allen co-founder of Microsoft died at 65, >53 years after having non-Hodgkins lymphoma
COVID is another gamechanger not unlike 9/11 and SARS
Many impossibles were made, or became, possibles in the last few months
There are plentiful to reflect, to change, to adapt, to initiate & to be prepared
Luck is where preparation meets opportunity
Nothing drops from Heaven as the fool and his wealth will soon part
In crises, conserve your resources, lie low when your chips are low
Learn, be prepared, train repeatedly & be ready; when opportunity presents, pounce
There is no better chance than when everyone is giving up or having doubts
There are >5,000 airlines worldwide & all were grounded ; an impossible previously
Countries locked down & borders were closed ; another previous impossible
Food supplies & necessities were truncated and supply chains were disrupted
Travels were decimated, celebrations ceased, eCommerce & eSolutions boomed
Working from home is a new normal
Medical supplies, accessories, personnels ...became the new found fad & necessities
As Nature reclaims superiority, Mother Earth becomes cleaner
Leveling down defeats trickling down economics
For everyone of all ages, your opportunity is here
Initiate, adopt, adapt, revisit ideas that were ahead of the curves and stay calm & calculated
Your chance to create a niche & conquer the unknown is only possible if you push forward with zeal
Nobody but you determine your own Destiny
GOD... God is absent to allow you to play 'God' so as to strengthen your resolves
Some days soon, when you succeed, you know that GOD was watching over you
But, if you fail, don't blame HIM but seek HIS guidance
A bit at a time & that's how successes come
Repeatedly applying the same formula to an existing problem are fools' goal
Dogmatically following SOPs are the surest way to failures as these are reactives
Commonsense is the best antidote in such acute yet fluid situation
Being proactive is being ahead of the curve; there is no "If I know..."
When COVID is over...soon, a new batch of winners will appear
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Listen Attentively
walking in the ruins...
4 months are gone and not much could be achieved as lockdown, fear and shortages are norm
The fear of sickness and deaths - COVID19 is infectious
As the world of humans stopped, Nature took over, repairs & restores the old charms
Animals multiplied, plants grew, the seas cleared, the air cleaned and the planet became greener
It is man's folly, selfishness and arrogance that choked the planet
I had 60 years of powered up body; fairly healthy and stout
Two operations in 5 months drained much of my energy and grit
But, nothing gonna stop me from moving ahead & pushing new frontiers
I have set the network running & my prints are all over
Moving ahead is the only way out
I want to pump up my adrenaline - to speed ahead
But, my body is in recess; slowed but not disabled nor immobilized
There is decidedly a restriction imposed by the Supereme being
My body proper is breaking up - i can feel the dissection if i pushed forward
Simple chores are no more simple as I feel more dispirited & less enthused
Physically, I need another 3 months before I can restart training; the push to be physically ready
Medically, 2 months should see substantial improvements
Mentally...I have been consistent; ready, willing and positive
GOD has a way of halting progress & slowing you down
We are all running toward the end of time
What else do I want? Nothing, nothing much but I just love challenges
Deep inside, I wanna give up everything and seek enlightenment - not to be a Buddha but to enjoy the peace of being free of material things
The ability to laughs, be light in my heart and to get away from human desires and follies
Meditation...forest, greens, oceans, clear blue sky...back to Nature
I guess I should begin my retreat
Money is important to me but money don't buy life - the last breathe stops, everything stop
Do I have plentiful more to do and achieve? I don't know
I am fortunate to be reasonably self sufficient, fairly healthy and mobile and a sharp mind
COVID has imposed restraints on all & I fit in well in the slowed ecosystem
I was forced to seek & refocus on my future - a very promising future which gonna be my last lap
What is it & how to achieve it? I don't know...
The wisdom of GOD will fall onto my mind when I am sufficiently relaxed, cool and calm
The calling is near but the powered up adrenaline is a hurdle
Nothing gets into our mind until we can listen - listen attentively
To receive, you need to recede into the abyss & Nature returns
I shall put aside my emotion - the adrenaline remains
Someday, we will be called upon to take up our role play
Listen.. listen attentively.. the quietness is not complete silence
I shall return victory again
4 months are gone and not much could be achieved as lockdown, fear and shortages are norm
The fear of sickness and deaths - COVID19 is infectious
As the world of humans stopped, Nature took over, repairs & restores the old charms
Animals multiplied, plants grew, the seas cleared, the air cleaned and the planet became greener
It is man's folly, selfishness and arrogance that choked the planet
I had 60 years of powered up body; fairly healthy and stout
Two operations in 5 months drained much of my energy and grit
But, nothing gonna stop me from moving ahead & pushing new frontiers
I have set the network running & my prints are all over
Moving ahead is the only way out
I want to pump up my adrenaline - to speed ahead
But, my body is in recess; slowed but not disabled nor immobilized
There is decidedly a restriction imposed by the Supereme being
My body proper is breaking up - i can feel the dissection if i pushed forward
Simple chores are no more simple as I feel more dispirited & less enthused
Physically, I need another 3 months before I can restart training; the push to be physically ready
Medically, 2 months should see substantial improvements
Mentally...I have been consistent; ready, willing and positive
GOD has a way of halting progress & slowing you down
We are all running toward the end of time
What else do I want? Nothing, nothing much but I just love challenges
Deep inside, I wanna give up everything and seek enlightenment - not to be a Buddha but to enjoy the peace of being free of material things
The ability to laughs, be light in my heart and to get away from human desires and follies
Meditation...forest, greens, oceans, clear blue sky...back to Nature
I guess I should begin my retreat
Money is important to me but money don't buy life - the last breathe stops, everything stop
Do I have plentiful more to do and achieve? I don't know
I am fortunate to be reasonably self sufficient, fairly healthy and mobile and a sharp mind
COVID has imposed restraints on all & I fit in well in the slowed ecosystem
I was forced to seek & refocus on my future - a very promising future which gonna be my last lap
What is it & how to achieve it? I don't know...
The wisdom of GOD will fall onto my mind when I am sufficiently relaxed, cool and calm
The calling is near but the powered up adrenaline is a hurdle
Nothing gets into our mind until we can listen - listen attentively
To receive, you need to recede into the abyss & Nature returns
I shall put aside my emotion - the adrenaline remains
Someday, we will be called upon to take up our role play
Listen.. listen attentively.. the quietness is not complete silence
I shall return victory again
Saturday, May 2, 2020
May Day, May Day
time is finite and all shall leave ...
Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows - Michael Landon
If tomorrow comes but it shall never just as yesterday will never comes back
Your currency is today
You are as good as before your last breathe; status, wealth, power...nothing goes with you upon death
A notable humor "Tell Bill Gates to give $50bil to us to safekeep for he has more than enough to use currently. After his death, he may be reincarnated & return as a pauper and we will let him draw $10bil upon his return. This is our Post Inter Life Perpetual Bonds (PILPB)"
Turn your wounds into wisdom - Oprah Winfrey
Betrayals can only come from those closest to you & unquestioned trusts
Many are blinded by emotions and sweet nothings/whispers
You may be sold, maimed, enslaved, abused or deprived - the pains are emotional, seldom physical
Physical scars remain and will fade over time but not emotional ones
All shalt pass only if you wise up and regain yourself & self esteem - fighting back & resist is the antidote for those who betray & take advantage of you are cowards-within
The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection - Thomas Paine
I had gone through life threatening phases in remote places, alone like a lone dove
My assets were almost stolen by scams
I was betrayed & thrown under the wheels but returned barely alive
The journey back wasn't easy but through a healthy self, grit and perseverance, bathe with plentiful of smiles, I came back wiser, smarter and more determined
Nonetheless, every time I fell, it's because I was emotionally influenced
May...May Day - may day is a scream for help - SOS
It is a third off 2020 and little could be done as Covid19 restrained the entire ecosystem
I am like a 6000cc engine raring to go, with a powered up engine but cannot leave the pitstop
Not that everything will be successful but without a chance to put into action, the answer is nil
Slowly but surely I will return with a vengence
No time is lost during this lockdown; I have been rolling our the 'possibilities and solutions'
Come whatever may, I will charge ahead into a new frontier without borders
Whatever you want to do, do it now. There are only so many tomorrows - Michael Landon
If tomorrow comes but it shall never just as yesterday will never comes back
Your currency is today
You are as good as before your last breathe; status, wealth, power...nothing goes with you upon death
A notable humor "Tell Bill Gates to give $50bil to us to safekeep for he has more than enough to use currently. After his death, he may be reincarnated & return as a pauper and we will let him draw $10bil upon his return. This is our Post Inter Life Perpetual Bonds (PILPB)"
Turn your wounds into wisdom - Oprah Winfrey
Betrayals can only come from those closest to you & unquestioned trusts
Many are blinded by emotions and sweet nothings/whispers
You may be sold, maimed, enslaved, abused or deprived - the pains are emotional, seldom physical
Physical scars remain and will fade over time but not emotional ones
All shalt pass only if you wise up and regain yourself & self esteem - fighting back & resist is the antidote for those who betray & take advantage of you are cowards-within
The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection - Thomas Paine
I had gone through life threatening phases in remote places, alone like a lone dove
My assets were almost stolen by scams
I was betrayed & thrown under the wheels but returned barely alive
The journey back wasn't easy but through a healthy self, grit and perseverance, bathe with plentiful of smiles, I came back wiser, smarter and more determined
Nonetheless, every time I fell, it's because I was emotionally influenced
May...May Day - may day is a scream for help - SOS
It is a third off 2020 and little could be done as Covid19 restrained the entire ecosystem
I am like a 6000cc engine raring to go, with a powered up engine but cannot leave the pitstop
Not that everything will be successful but without a chance to put into action, the answer is nil
Slowly but surely I will return with a vengence
No time is lost during this lockdown; I have been rolling our the 'possibilities and solutions'
Come whatever may, I will charge ahead into a new frontier without borders
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