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Monday, May 11, 2020

Keeping A Clear Mind In Adversity

to fight or retreat...

If you want to do it or you desire something, you will throw in your heart and soul to get it
Nothing is beyond your reach if you so desired
Anthony died for Cleopatra, LiangSanPo and ZhuYinDai died for love
Edward VIII gave up his throne to marry his lover, Wallis Simpson
Japan's Princess Ayako of Takamado married Kei Moriya, a commoner, & gave up her title
When a woman wants to see her man, there is no chance that the man can slip away from her grasp
When a Man wants to see his woman, he will scheme to entrap her

The world's champion is not necessarily the tallest, strongest, fastest nor ablest
The champion is one who repeats his skills so many times that he perfected his moves
There is no room for error nor lapses
Champions have only one goal, that is, to win & continue winning
The guard against losing is harder that the journey towards winning

I am against giving up ... & hated most if the other person opening words are "I cannot..., no can't"
Giving up is the easiest
It is success and winning that need grit, perseverance and infinite energy
The rostrum is for winner, the leader, the achiever, the gamechanger
Sadly amidst the happiness, victory is temporary - that moment of fame is so momentary
But, success tastes sweetest

Will I fight or retreat? I fight to win as I do not "just" fight
I retreat to muster enough readiness to win - 以退为进
Why sacrifice unnecessarily when you are not ready? That's a fool's goal called martyr
Bruce Lee fought his way to stardom & paid with his life
Jet Li retreated from stardom to live a simple, healthy life
To the perfectionist, life is temporary

I am looking toward a sedated, calm, spiritual life away from material pursuit
I am training to be at ease, at peace & non-provokable - it's is harder than I thought
I am trying to cease speaking & be a "man of few words" - the less I speak, the wiser I become
I wanna spend time on self-discovery - what & who am I? To seek some level of enlightenment
Not a buddha but a budhisattva
Away from the earthly, humanly desires 

Fight or flight - I am a fighter & I fight to win
Even in retreat, I seek to achieve
My goals are within & my relationship with GOD is a one-on-one relation
I seek peace from within & lightens up all around me
Like the candle, I like up others & my surroundings will never be dark
To many, GOD is absent - HIS presence is felt not seen nor touch

Omnipotence means God is all-powerful ...HE has supreme power and has no limitations
Omniscience means God is all-knowing. ... bluff HIM not
Omnipresence means God is everywhere at the same time ...HIS presence is felt

If you do not fight for yourself, no one will
If you leave your fight to others, you will live in his shadow
Do not expect to gain from others' destiny
You cannot control Nature's wrath but you can adjust & sail along to avoid the worst
We may be in the same storm, but definitely not the same boat
Be positive for tomorrow shall come

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