bit by bit, a little at a time...
Mother's day is here again; is it to glorify the sacrifices that Mums had made or is it to remember her prowess to 'make another human'? The need to procreate is Nature's law
Cancer, like pregnancy, starts with a cell and multiply - this is the first lesson of Good & Bad
When the baby arrives, it cries and the world laughs with joy
When you pass on, the world cries as there is one fewer to share the sorrows of life and living
生老病死 the natural journey
酸甜苦辣 the spices of life
36,500 days is only 100 years
Few are born rich but dying poor is your own doing
Between life & death, you are the writer, actor, owner & decider
Chasing material goods are human's basic necessity but it must not be excessive
We need money to survive, to help others & ourselves as it's a means to an end
Compassion, magnanimity, "care & share" and empathy are possibles
Strangely, humans are more cooperative in natural disasters than good times
灾难见真情 your friends and foes crystalized & manifest upon calamities
The poor, less fortunate & the weak must muster all the grit, energy, be organized and stand up
Expecting others to fight your dreams is living others' dreams; his destiny is your goal
六根清净 if you can live beyond material comforts but basics, life is a joy
六亲不认 greed, power, fame, selfishness breed contempt
Politics is about popular votes & blind followings
There is no permanent friends or enemies in politics & business; all are acquaintances
Success comes ...a little at a time
Only fame comes overnight; fame is a liability & is costly - everyone wants to challenge you
Laughs at little successes & failures - it lighten the heart and make living a pleasure
If you cannot laugh at yourself, it is the beginning of sickness, downfall and death
The stresses that you build within will destroy yourself
A weakened body and mind is a sickness harbor - slowly but surely
Get up and get going; the healthy you conquer ALL
健康就是本钱 possibilities are infinite when alive
David Koch, the world's 11th billionaire died at 79
Steve Jobs money could not prolong his life
Kate Spade died at 55
Paul Allen co-founder of Microsoft died at 65, >53 years after having non-Hodgkins lymphoma
COVID is another gamechanger not unlike 9/11 and SARS
Many impossibles were made, or became, possibles in the last few months
There are plentiful to reflect, to change, to adapt, to initiate & to be prepared
Luck is where preparation meets opportunity
Nothing drops from Heaven as the fool and his wealth will soon part
In crises, conserve your resources, lie low when your chips are low
Learn, be prepared, train repeatedly & be ready; when opportunity presents, pounce
There is no better chance than when everyone is giving up or having doubts
There are >5,000 airlines worldwide & all were grounded ; an impossible previously
Countries locked down & borders were closed ; another previous impossible
Food supplies & necessities were truncated and supply chains were disrupted
Travels were decimated, celebrations ceased, eCommerce & eSolutions boomed
Working from home is a new normal
Medical supplies, accessories, personnels ...became the new found fad & necessities
As Nature reclaims superiority, Mother Earth becomes cleaner
Leveling down defeats trickling down economics
For everyone of all ages, your opportunity is here
Initiate, adopt, adapt, revisit ideas that were ahead of the curves and stay calm & calculated
Your chance to create a niche & conquer the unknown is only possible if you push forward with zeal
Nobody but you determine your own Destiny
GOD... God is absent to allow you to play 'God' so as to strengthen your resolves
Some days soon, when you succeed, you know that GOD was watching over you
But, if you fail, don't blame HIM but seek HIS guidance
A bit at a time & that's how successes come
Repeatedly applying the same formula to an existing problem are fools' goal
Dogmatically following SOPs are the surest way to failures as these are reactives
Commonsense is the best antidote in such acute yet fluid situation
Being proactive is being ahead of the curve; there is no "If I know..."
When COVID is over...soon, a new batch of winners will appear
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