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Monday, June 29, 2020

Start, Re-Start...Starting Again

going away may not be bad...

Every morning starts with a new page, new hope
A good start is a head start
Always clear your doubts, quarrels, frustrations, misunderstandings & negative vibes before going to bed
Not that all will be resolved but be hopeful that even you can't do anything, solutions may rise
with the sun ...rising
Anyway, if you sleep & forget to get up, whatever you thought were insurmountable issues disappear too
凡事都是人为 人在事在 人亡事无
Many worried themselves into ill-health or death
If it must go wrong, it will
What can be worse than dying? Nothing; that's why its called "Rest In Peace"
Tomorrow is never promised
Live your best today and everyday
Enjoy our heavenly Earth

Rush...rushing is adrenaline pumped
The thrill of winning, conquering, gaining the first is Man's trophy
You are as good as when you are alive
Nobody can take away from you your goal so long as you continue your planned journey
Not that success is guaranteed but not doing anything is the surest way to fail
Blaming others for your failures get you nowhere
If in doubt, drop everything and retreat into seclusion - this is not an escapist act

Silence is not quietness
Empty is not void

I wanna disappear into the wilderness for awhile
To stay away from Mankind & seek refuge with Nature
Not that I am weak but to rediscover my life's journey
I am lost
Have I overachieved in too short a time & forced to slow down? Alas...looks like it
I am not a billionaire but whatever I need for basic living, I have
I have often times try to stay as healthy as I could & I've done it short of unannounced incidental sicknesses
Like all living things, we weaken as we aged
Wear & tear is a norm but Nature has no spare parts

Going away...retreating into Nature is invigorating
Away from the material world, not to die but to recharge
I have completed my journey ahead of schedule
It is time to seek solace in the soundlessnes of Nature
I will move away from the material soon
After COVID & my retreat, I shall return a better Man

Deep inside me I am a broken man, a man who has lost his way
I used to be very healthy until lymphoma visited
Umm! I am not giving effect, I am in remission and in the 'pink of health'
I have enough to go by, to live and to sustain my lifestyle
However, my adrenaline is supercharge; ready, willing and fired-up...
But, where to? COVID has lockdown all & sundry
I can only guess that this is Nature's destiny & order : "that I slow down"

Slow down, I shall

When I return, I shall shine again - doubly brighter & wiser
Man proposes, GOD disposes
Going away is destiny...will be back soon


Monday, June 22, 2020

Sustainable : Change In Challenging Times

trying to grip but...

Changes came swift and unexpected
COVID is the unsung catalyst of change
It's not whether you want it or not, it's instantaneous and summarily executed
Death is slow and you struggle breathelessly
Covid is the best leveler - level down
Many of the changes will be permanent

Life has to slow...slow down
The globe is spinning too fast and may spin out of it's axis
Man is unmistakenly the culprit who's destroying mankind

When Earthly activities slowed, Mother Nature regains space and control

The greens return, the sea clears, birds and animals roam freer and the air refreshes
Man pollute Earth
Greed almost deforested the skin of Earth & mining destroyed Nature's ability to self-repair
Power hungry and money grabbing politicians will lead Man to self-destruction
What is control and influences when Earth is (or becomes) inhabitable? There is no medicine for idiots
世界上没有后悔的药也没有如果 只有结果和后果

I wrote:

In 7th Jan, 2020 -
By late 2019, I postulate that in 2020, the world will remain uncertain within the first 6 months and shall see the worst by 3rdQtr, with recovery towards end 2020

In 13th Feb, 2020 -
The current 'state of siege' by coronavirus is disabling & paralyzing the community
The disruptive effects can be far and wide; isolation, quarantine, closures of schools, loss of business

Fast forward:

The opening up of Singapore and other countries will bring some semblance of life back but...
It's a rebound from under the trough - don't be too excited
While some may smile with the reopening, many businesses had 'died' during the lockdown
The freeze on rentals, debts servicing, repayments and assistance schemes will evaporate by September - more pains ahead before recovery
Will banks & highly geared property Cos be the next victims of Covid? Not surprise
For the many who can adapt, the future is less disruptive and acceptable
For those who are heavily geared & committed, getting through this storm is far from over

Change with the time and stay relevant

I have slowed down to 30% of my usual speed & had jump-started a few times
Not doing anything is tougher than doing something - remaining cool and indifference help
Conserving the little I have & hibernating to re-energise are survival skills
Learning new ways of doing things help
I can't change the storm but I can control my sail
You need not change to suit others but changing course and actions will help you survive

Watch out the stock markets; volatility is norm
Not surprised to see another major pull back, consolidation before recovery towards end year
Use less and conserve more - abundance opportunities ahead
It's not how tough and rough but the need to ride through the vagaries of time & return when it shines again
Been there, done that
It will be the same but at what price - surviving to tell the next chapter


Thursday, June 11, 2020

Success Post-COVID

keep moving ...

The sands of time move slowly but surely & much changes have taken place, whether you are aware or ignorant
Generations come and go with some grand, old names dying by the wayside & new ones sprouting like the spring aura
There is no room for regrets 没有后悔的药 
COVID has proven that everything is possible, including leveling down
The rich cannot live in a sea of poor and new-tech will out-run the old brick & mortar concept of life and living
Tomorrow will never be the same; it's gonna be better

世上没有如果 只有结果和后果

Stockmarkets - US market (DJIA, S&P500, NASDAQ) flew high, retracing all-time highs despite 40m unemployment, protests and tradewars
Trump's diplomatic isolation strategies & withdrawals from international bodies add to US woes
Many asked then "why did DJIA gallop ahead"? It's liquidity pushed
Besides, smart monies are looking to hedge against fiat money; gold is the newfound darling
Some school of thoughts project DJIA 40,000 ...awesome heights to come
But, like all things watch out (currently about 27,000); if 23,000 is breached, all bets off

Sell in May & go away - the recent rebound stretching into June is probably a good time to "sell into strength"
Take your time to relook nearer home on weakness : Australia (ASX 5,953), HongKong
(HSI 24,625), Singapore (STI 2,715), Thailand (SET 1,415), Malaysia (FTSE Bursa 1,559)
ASEAN, riding on the divestment from China because of trade wars with the West and the restructuring of a growing China will be the new growth region
Australia will ride the commodities upswing

Young & Young-At-Heart Post-COVID, the future will never be the same
Prosperity will be delivered differently and eSolutions will dominate
eCommerce, eBanking & ePartners will dominate 
Change will be faster, swifter & sudden
Supply chain management is not just about logistics but the reliability of sources & supplies
eEducation and eSkills will speed up knowledge & skillsets
EQ & CREDITbility will determine the individual's success 先学做人 后做事

To beat the odds, you either have money or you have guts
Money can buy many things
Guts is the doing
Without money and no guts, then you better be the best academically; money buys your brain whilst the gutsy execute his plans with your guidance
Whatever it is - the future is "to each his own & speed is the essence"

You may get it wrong but if you can change fast enough, you will still win

Age is no longer a barrier

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Freedom From Bondage

freeing yourself ...

Freedom is deeply defended and reinforced

A bird in the cage, the animals in the zoo ... the people confined to their homes because of Covid - what are the difference and how awfully restrictive

囚鸟 疫情隔离 自由是无价的

Freedom comes with responsibility, empathy and respect
No one should be forced to oblige blindly

Spend within your means and chase your ideals within your capabilities
Borrowing is bondage; the more you owe, the less freedom you have
If you spend your resources recklessly, your tomorrows are shortened and debited
Debts burden the Soul & will destroy you some day soon
I want to waddle towards calmness, freedom from materialism & peace of mind
To be totally unemotional is to be removed & relieved of temptation; the feel is 'godly' 
Instead of struggling within crisscrossing relationships, moving away without hurting them is heavenly

“Freedom comes from taking responsibility; bondage comes from giving it away” - Henry Cloud
When you are addicted to lust, desire, materialism, power, greed, freedom departs
The freedom is happiness & peace from within - the Soul lapses into the higher realm
When you are indifferent to the defined ecosystem & the fluid environment, your 6th sense flourish
The "purified, refreshed feel" floats above the norms of the day
You are FREE

Many are suffering from "what other's think of 'me' dilemma"
Does it really matter? Yes, to many but "NO" it doesn't
The rich will not share his wealth with you, the successful cannot give you a feel of his victory, the powerful can't & won't allow you to use his feats & when you are sick, nobody can help you suffer the sickness

Being alone is a factual journey
The pleasantness or bitterness that you enjoy & suffer along your journey is cultivated by yourself

You came alone & you shall return alone

When you dare to break free, nothing hurts
Many claim to care for you, will fight for you, stand by you - the proof is in the pudding - actions proof words
Being alone & free from all promises is the best as you cannot be influenced & can sway in the wind like the straw of grass in the storm - calmly

Be unafraid
Be alone
Be free
Be there forever...until roll call to be home again

Covid is a good teacher
When you are threatened with DEATH, everything and anything can wait
Countries lockdown, planes' wings clipped, stay at home, businesses collapsed like deck of cards
Many impossibles became possibles
Being free is Absolutely Possible if you are devoid of emotions & longings
The next time you are muddleheaded, anxious or troubled, it's probably your baggage of emotions
Set yourself free

We are ...

Monday, June 1, 2020

June - The Best Is Yet To Be

after half, time diminishes quickly ...

When the second half starts, time seems to fly faster
Why so? Because, 50.01% means "5" will never come back
The sands of time slip as Earth continues to go round the sun non-stop
Before 50 years old, death is distant but death is almost always sudden
I used to achieve my full year budget within 3 months and have tonnes of time to build on
Except for one year, every year was successful, for the last 40 years
I never want to wait until the 2nd half...because I would rather free myself for the unexpected

LUCK is where Preparation meets Opportunity

JUNE - this is a trying year where many things stop because of Covid
But, it is also the time where many are lost - but not me as I rediscovered myself
Doing something, rejecting some ...are easier than doing nothing as humans are social animals
My time almost stopped - but I calmly push on
Let us not let disturbances and noises distract & disrupt
It is not easy to slow down, let alone stop but reflection allows rediscovery
Flowers fade but new ones shalt re-surface; beauty is time demanding but short

活在当下 - 曾经拥有 (没有) 天长地久

Covid proves many impossibles are possibles
If it wasn't life threatening and the rich and powerful are similarly affected, it will be plain news
Covid, like death, is the leveller
The global gini-coefficient has widened substantially & the rich can never live in a sea of poor
How long can the rich rob the poor and aborigines? GOD is watching
How long can the poor remain indifference, suppressed & timid? A hungry man is an angry man
There is no safety catch when anarchy & violent erupts; emotions know no barriers

We are at the tail end of 2nd Qtr & returning to norm is far off
The 1st half turbulence is burning towards an end but brave for a 3rd Qtr of doldrums & despair
What will see you through? Grit, adaptability, fluidity and very calm
From zero to zero is zero; need not fret
Learn, be prepared & when the tides turn, move ahead
Dead man tell no tales

2020 is the year of opportunitie危机
It's also the year of 'abject' changes & leveling down洗盘
Fortunes favor the brave, creative and industrious
Be discrete and selective in your spendings for the dollar can stretch farther
No body owes you a living and if you are dead by the wayside, your game is over
Do not indulge is self pity and idleness for all shall pass

Soon, the world will clean up and freedom returns
Your wishes and dreams will crystalize
But, be prepared
Time and tides wait for no man
If your tomorrow comes

The world loves a winner

I'm an  incurable positive

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...