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Thursday, June 11, 2020

Success Post-COVID

keep moving ...

The sands of time move slowly but surely & much changes have taken place, whether you are aware or ignorant
Generations come and go with some grand, old names dying by the wayside & new ones sprouting like the spring aura
There is no room for regrets 没有后悔的药 
COVID has proven that everything is possible, including leveling down
The rich cannot live in a sea of poor and new-tech will out-run the old brick & mortar concept of life and living
Tomorrow will never be the same; it's gonna be better

世上没有如果 只有结果和后果

Stockmarkets - US market (DJIA, S&P500, NASDAQ) flew high, retracing all-time highs despite 40m unemployment, protests and tradewars
Trump's diplomatic isolation strategies & withdrawals from international bodies add to US woes
Many asked then "why did DJIA gallop ahead"? It's liquidity pushed
Besides, smart monies are looking to hedge against fiat money; gold is the newfound darling
Some school of thoughts project DJIA 40,000 ...awesome heights to come
But, like all things watch out (currently about 27,000); if 23,000 is breached, all bets off

Sell in May & go away - the recent rebound stretching into June is probably a good time to "sell into strength"
Take your time to relook nearer home on weakness : Australia (ASX 5,953), HongKong
(HSI 24,625), Singapore (STI 2,715), Thailand (SET 1,415), Malaysia (FTSE Bursa 1,559)
ASEAN, riding on the divestment from China because of trade wars with the West and the restructuring of a growing China will be the new growth region
Australia will ride the commodities upswing

Young & Young-At-Heart Post-COVID, the future will never be the same
Prosperity will be delivered differently and eSolutions will dominate
eCommerce, eBanking & ePartners will dominate 
Change will be faster, swifter & sudden
Supply chain management is not just about logistics but the reliability of sources & supplies
eEducation and eSkills will speed up knowledge & skillsets
EQ & CREDITbility will determine the individual's success 先学做人 后做事

To beat the odds, you either have money or you have guts
Money can buy many things
Guts is the doing
Without money and no guts, then you better be the best academically; money buys your brain whilst the gutsy execute his plans with your guidance
Whatever it is - the future is "to each his own & speed is the essence"

You may get it wrong but if you can change fast enough, you will still win

Age is no longer a barrier


wizard said...

DJIA -1861 (25128)
S&P 500 -188 (3002)
NASDAQ -527 (9492)

The US market drop sharply yesterday (12June, 2020, Singapore time)

wizard said...

Written on 11June, 2020

Sell in May & go away - the recent rebound stretching into June is probably a good time to "sell into strength"
Take your time to relook nearer home on weakness : Australia (ASX 5,953), HongKong
(HSI 24,625), Singapore (STI 2,715), Thailand (SET 1,415), Malaysia (FTSE Bursa 1,559)

Brave The Changes

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