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Monday, June 22, 2020

Sustainable : Change In Challenging Times

trying to grip but...

Changes came swift and unexpected
COVID is the unsung catalyst of change
It's not whether you want it or not, it's instantaneous and summarily executed
Death is slow and you struggle breathelessly
Covid is the best leveler - level down
Many of the changes will be permanent

Life has to slow...slow down
The globe is spinning too fast and may spin out of it's axis
Man is unmistakenly the culprit who's destroying mankind

When Earthly activities slowed, Mother Nature regains space and control

The greens return, the sea clears, birds and animals roam freer and the air refreshes
Man pollute Earth
Greed almost deforested the skin of Earth & mining destroyed Nature's ability to self-repair
Power hungry and money grabbing politicians will lead Man to self-destruction
What is control and influences when Earth is (or becomes) inhabitable? There is no medicine for idiots
世界上没有后悔的药也没有如果 只有结果和后果

I wrote:

In 7th Jan, 2020 -
By late 2019, I postulate that in 2020, the world will remain uncertain within the first 6 months and shall see the worst by 3rdQtr, with recovery towards end 2020

In 13th Feb, 2020 -
The current 'state of siege' by coronavirus is disabling & paralyzing the community
The disruptive effects can be far and wide; isolation, quarantine, closures of schools, loss of business

Fast forward:

The opening up of Singapore and other countries will bring some semblance of life back but...
It's a rebound from under the trough - don't be too excited
While some may smile with the reopening, many businesses had 'died' during the lockdown
The freeze on rentals, debts servicing, repayments and assistance schemes will evaporate by September - more pains ahead before recovery
Will banks & highly geared property Cos be the next victims of Covid? Not surprise
For the many who can adapt, the future is less disruptive and acceptable
For those who are heavily geared & committed, getting through this storm is far from over

Change with the time and stay relevant

I have slowed down to 30% of my usual speed & had jump-started a few times
Not doing anything is tougher than doing something - remaining cool and indifference help
Conserving the little I have & hibernating to re-energise are survival skills
Learning new ways of doing things help
I can't change the storm but I can control my sail
You need not change to suit others but changing course and actions will help you survive

Watch out the stock markets; volatility is norm
Not surprised to see another major pull back, consolidation before recovery towards end year
Use less and conserve more - abundance opportunities ahead
It's not how tough and rough but the need to ride through the vagaries of time & return when it shines again
Been there, done that
It will be the same but at what price - surviving to tell the next chapter


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