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Monday, February 22, 2021

No Problems & All's Blessings

problems do go away ...

Worries, scare, fears, cover ups, tears ...don't solve problems

Get up and get going and take the "bull by the horns"

Problems are like viruses; if left alone, it will mutate and multiply

Clear all problems asap if it/they affects you

Do not let family issues lay bare to manifest - it is worse that lead poisoning - slowly but surely the impact will be felt


Don't bother with others' opinions as the rich will not lend you a dollar nor let you have an advantage

When you are in trouble, many leave at an instant & most of your phone calls will go unanswered

Lending money is easy but you may need to beg to get back what's rightfully yours - chances are, you loss your money and friend in this instance

LiuDeHua 刘德华 was a food deliverer long before grabfood & pandafood came into the picture. He was deemed only a KTV-standard singer by moustache LinZiXiang. 40 years later, he is the top of the charts, actor & singer, & graded as an influential person ahead of ChenLong & LiKaShing in HK

He was a nobody begin with

Believe in yourself and give yourself the chance that nobody will 

Push the envelope and conquer new frontiers

Some people just love to talk you down

There are more selfish & self-entitled persons as eMedia exposed them that the MSM wouldn't dare to

Ministers asking you not to pursue tertiary education & recommends you to take up hawkering, even with tertiary education - did they lead by example to ask their loved ones & family members to do likewise? NO

Not that hawkering is demeaning but many worked hard to get papers and moved up the social ladder

Leaders propagating regression are enemies of the commoners as they suspiciously protect their own turf

Your friends are there to encourage, motivate and give a hand when in need

In this turbulent times, C19 included, seek solace in your GOD, your Faith

People undermine you to keep ahead of the crowd & cohorts fight the invincible competition that he wishes to win against you

Guard against the ill-willed acquaintances 拉黑  You loss nothing by discarding them for their pretenses 

Problems exist and manifest because everyone is studying the problem instead of looking for solutions

Solutions lie with(in) the problems

You may be concern but need not worry; worries don't solve problems

Move with the times and adopt, adapt and localize

The terrains are smoother as you cross & gotten used to

When the mind wonders, let it wonders; for the calm, peaceful and settled mind works wonder

We are Kings upon ourselves 

If fate is predestined, nobody need to work neither does anyone needs to suffer

做好本分  Do your best within your abilities

Tomorrow will be better but today is the best

Make good use of this lull period during C19 & build your dream tomorrow, today



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