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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Paradigm Shifts


 change is the only constant...

60 years of changes and more to come

Every 10 years cycle is a refresh challenge

The years of changes manifest into super-cycles & changes became more acute, demanding & faster

When young, it was pure dreams and brute force that we cast the iron while hot o

When mid-age comes, schemes & strategies rule while protecting whatever have been built... some are still listlessly searching

Comes old age, that's 70s!!! Lay back, reflect, enjoy the journey, reminisces & tell your stories... too weak to fight physically, too slow to react if time is the essence, too lazy to think

It's best to let it be by the 70s; not about giving up but about crystalizing your bucket of wishes

Time and tides wait for no Man 

If  I can turn the clock back, will I be doing the same? Yes but with lesser mistakes, vanity & silliness

Stock markets and the smart monies are challenged by groupies funds - 蚂蚁搬大象

The aggregator of a leading big player, with the critical mass, can move mountains against logic, GameStop & AMC were examples

But, when logic and sanity are thrown out of the windows, financial melt down is not far

I am not a doomsayer but a pragmatist 

Money is made on the way up as well as down (the bulls & bears make money) but when the broad mass jump in (the sheep go to the abattoir) & the music stops ... somebody's gonna be hurt

It takes a while for prices to climb but the impact of a sudden drop can wipe out many, especially those who are geared

You have been reminded & warned

To the young and young at heart, the shakers and movers; the world has leveled down 

COVID has made many impossibles, possible

The lockdown, slowdown, including complete stop... have brewed as much miseries as there are opportunities

It's a complete paradigm shift

Are you in the new era or caught up and stuck in the old? It is never too late to move, innovate, initiate and go with the flows

GOD willing, I/You will succeed

Over time, you either gain materially or experiences; GO For It

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