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Sunday, March 7, 2021

Smiles - The Ways To Unbuckle Obstacles

always be positive & smile to ease obstacles ...

Smile - the language that everyone understands & eases most situations

You can't be very angry with anyone who's smiling, submissive and accommodating

Even a fallen hero who smiles away his agony, misfortune and sufferings returns level-minded & calm

Sufferings, misfortunes and failures fade away like nights into days

Difficult nights may be lengthy but it is still 24hours a day, not a second more

There is no one best time but where preparations meet opportunity, the results is almost always optimal

It is important not to blame nor envy others for whatever you achieve or not is yours to keep

Do everything within your means

When the heart is contented, your life flows smoothly; come rain or sunshine

No two men are alike

Fortune favors the brave and fleet footed

Nothing happen by coincidence than choice

Chase your dreams while you can for we fade physically & mentally over time

The decay of time is irreversible

Whether you are sad or happy, time flies... the slowness in time is a function of  emotion

When you are happy, in victory and celebratory moods, time flies faster because you are deep in enjoyment & have forgotten about time

Whereas in sadness, you immersed yourself in misery, looking back & basking in regrets - staring at time often enough to notice that time is 'frozen' - pains are more acute than joys

Extreme emotions are least controllable  

Whatever comes, stay calm & calculated - no one can swim against the tides

Enjoy the/your successes, manage the defeats & pace the lull periods

Smile at your defeats is like laughing at our own weaknesses 

We make mistakes & wrong judgement but learn from them - laugh away your worries

Water seep through hard rocks & find its way downstream into the ocean

Smiles, like water, soften the impact of defeats, difficulties & adversary yet lighten the heart

Smile is the universal language that opens all doors 

If it's sunshine everyday, it makes a desert

Some lull days & defeats make victory ever sweeter

I have my fair share of winnings, victories and defeats but an enlightened mind works wonder

Smile through difficulties and feel the infinite strengths of positive forces

Slow down, rest & pause if necessary but never quit

We are walking towards the end of time & quitting is never a solution

Sense the smell of the distant victory

For it is there for ALL to keep

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