death the leveller...
What will i be remembered for after i am gone? Nothing...
Except for fond memories and recalls, every passing dims over time
There is no historical values for most except the 'extremists' who have done something to etch themselves into history
Climb the highest mountain, swim the deepest ocean, earned the highest public salary, being the richest, being the poorest but humble president, being the first (of everything good or bad)... these are but a passing mention
Every pains and gains fade with time
人生没有天长地久 只有曾经拥有
When you detach yourself from materialism & emotion, you lived "heaven on earth" as everything is balanced
Eat whatever you want, go wherever you like, drink to your soul's satisfaction but do everything in moderation
You need not go out of your ways to help others but sprinkles of compassion and care do help
Doing everything within your means and abilities ease the mind & eliminate stress
Peace is when one is in agreement with oneself; where the body & mind is balanced
Give yourself time to be alone whereupon your Soul rejuvenates; alone is not loneliness
Do not wait till you are near incapacity or death then decide what you wanna do; it's a little late
Death is not scary; death is final
How many people can stake a claim to success at 65yo? Few but possible...
Dr Mahathir became PM of Malaysia at 93yo
Shigeo Tokuda, 82, is the oldest porn star in Japan
Deng Xiao Ping, another late starter, opened up China in the 1980s
The 'doers' never wait for things to happen; they make it happen
They didn't let death bother them & use everyday like it was infinite
Go forth and multiply
Death will come sooner or later; you need not wait
If I die and you know me, you may or may not come for a final visit as I wouldn't take attendancesBut, by coincidence, I organize a party for all who knows me to gather & reflect, including gossips
If you hate me, no worries, I am gone
If you owe me something of values, give them to charities to help the less fortunate as they are of no use to me
If you miss me, don't feel sad... when your days are up, we may meet again
Like different levels of a game, I have moved ahead to the next level...I live on
Spend today like it is infinite as time marches on
More importantly, live life to the fullest
We are unique and have very different roles 做好本分
Money cannot buy health nor life
Steve Jobs watch his life-supporting machines ticked on as he inched towards death
Marilyn Monroe was hugely famous, rubbed shoulders with the "who's who", lived a luxurious life but died unceremoniously, probably self-afflicted
If I die... I am happy to move on to my next appointment somewhere that I need not know
I am "trying to live as heavenly as possible" on Earth - living my best everyday
I wouldn't wait for Heaven to arrive as heaven & hell may not exists
Don't stress up, let go & live to the fullest
I am ... GOD willing, I will succeed
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