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Friday, March 26, 2021

Fight To Win

 blood & sweat don't matter...

Its not the size of the dog in the fight but the fight in the dog that determines victory

If you decide to fight, then fight to win...

It doesn't help if you fight to show or fight half-heartedly; your opponent may be out to kill

The Winner-to-be needs to demonstrate that he is no easy meat & comes prepared; do or die

The fearless beats the feared

Nobody cares how you win as winning is everything; go ask a loser


When your chips are down, lie low 

More haste, less speed as an unprepared person has loads of inner doubts

When you are sick, slowdown & treat the illness; a healthy mind & body give mileage to the body

Recuperate, recharge & build up your body & health over time, don't expect miracles   

Regrets, self-blame and wallowing in self-pity never help

Why me... is a redundant question

When you are unwell, change your lifestyle to plan for recovery

It's not "cannot eat this, cannot eat that" but reduce & moderate the intake

Our body adjust to changing inputs & conditions; RIRO - Rubbish In, Rubbish Out 

Stopping your usual select of food cause 'shocks' to a crumbling physique, body & mind

The medical doctors suggest treatments but you decide which to adopt   

You are your own best doctor as you listen to your body & adjust to its needs

Always seek professional opinions instead of guesses 做好本分

I don't just fight but I fight to win

The crowd will always cheer you on - afterall, you are in the ring, not them

In the ring, you decide your fate; walk away victorious or be bashed & crawl out

You can make all the money in the world but nobody can be paid to bear your sufferings

There is no prizes for guessing the outcome; you... decide

The world loves a Winner & even the second placed gets little to minimum attention

It's not a cruel world but reality is always unforgiving

It may take awhile to return to your normal self but you must

Whatever is normal changes with time & your abilities to adapt determine the plausibility of success

Be patient, be ready & prepared

Setbacks in time are lay moments to reflect & to take corrective actions

A bull in a china shop destroys everything 

A truly gifted fighter's winnings starts in the mind; the rest flow

We all have our own battles to fight, big or small

Rest if you must but never give up for the future is yours to conquer

When you are dealt a bad hand but you still can still win if you play your cards right

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