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Monday, July 26, 2021

Be The Decider & Winner

facing the choices ...

With choice, comes Destiny

If you ever grant another to manage your affairs, beware of who you trust to execute your choices

When you trust blindly, your life is weaponrise & your future is at the disposal of another who will write your Destiny

Many of us are happy to get by, with a roof over our heads, with family members and a decent job

But, there is nothing to stop others from bashing up our destiny &, in its place, achieve theirs

The indigenous American Indians, the Australian Aborigines & even the Africans did not want external developments on their ancestral lands but were butchered, chased out of their homeland and made 'slaves' 

You cannot trust a scheming person, a dominant yet deceitful player who readily make empty promises

You can be forgiving but who will help ease your burdens? Not him! By the time you decide that you must reclaim your rights, you are probably a spent force

The power to influence cannot be underestimated; Hitler did it & so did Pol Pot. Trump almost sold his epic slogan: "our election win was stolen" to the American voters

Many blame Providence for that they were dealt a bad hand but you can play to win - being born poor is not your option but dying poor may be due to your dysfunctional decisions

When you were schooling, your grades depend on yourself

When you started working, your performances depend largely on yourself in the given ecosystem; a masterful stroke will enable you to leapfrogged the ranks & join the giants

Your chance to succeed lies within you - your liberated mind is a potent force

I have my fair share of hits and misses, maybe more misses

Today, I am again faced with a spread of choices - different era, different choices but all shalt be etched in time 

Success takes a different meaning

Material gains take second place

Maybe, age has caught up...but NO, I am not a bean counter & 61 beans cannot be plentiful

My immediate future is a mirage in the making

The exponential growth that will propel me into a new league of players

Whether it's spiritual, commercial, personal or the harmonious balance of my Soul - I dont know

But, I have a choice & I will  


Sunday, July 18, 2021

Turn Disappointments Into Motivators

disappointments are motivators...

Economy must spend herself out of recession

With bankruptcies, new ones can begin

Too big to fail is a fallacy; failures reflect management weaknesses, inabilities & callousness, at times, bordering on corruption

When Govt adds taxes & raise charges on an already limping economy, the results are bitterness, frustration, dissatisfaction and potential anarchy

Troubles brew when, instead of sharing the thinned treasury, more are dug out from the commoners while the rulers & Mandarins line their pockets & live luxuriously; the rich cannot live in a sea of poors

Gandhi was able to instigate independence from UK because of the imposition of Salt Tax

Petrol & water taxes hit everyone but drown many a poor family; will Carbon Tax be the Waterloo

Man is a determined animal and can take much punching but "the straw that breaks the camel's neck" is almost weightless

Nobody wants anarchy but opportunists are prepared to burn the forest for the land

History has also shown that after diseases & calamities, economies turned better; after 1918-20 Spanish Flu came the roaring 20s (twenties)

The financial crisis was primarily caused by deregulation in the financial industry. That permitted banks to engage in hedge fund trading with derivatives. Banks then demanded more mortgages to support the profitable sale of these derivatives. ... That created the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession...& Walls Street has been beating Main Street eversince

Bear with it...bear with it until the ill winds pass

The loss of jobs, the stagnant wages, the limping economy, the ever-increasing costs of living...bathe with negative sentiments & intimidated by Covid are latent implosives

How do you convert disappointments into motivators? First, CHANGE...change yourself (approaches) & the world changes with you 

Complaints, being hopeful and regrets don't change anything; you are stuck in the quicksand of promises & blind hopes

It's not my problem is another pantomime - like a fairy tale - all's well as it's others' problems & you shall live happily ever after

You either decide your own destiny or someone else gonna write your Providence

You cannot depend on anybody to fight for your rights

Stalin couldn't depend on Churchill to start fighting the Germans in a new front though he initially agreed & that almost costs Russia to fall

Ho Chi Min thought the French & Americans would back him but he had to fight to disengage both, push them out and unite Vietnam

It's left to be seen if, or will, the US intervene & stand by the Philippines or Taiwan should a/any conflicts erupt with China!

I guess, deep in their hearts, the ASEAN countries knew that it is more promising and rewarding to negotiate, influence and win China's cooperation in the development of resources, in and around SCSeas, than to rely on the US - the Philippines has proceeded to jointly develop her resources with China with some successes

On a smaller scale, we have our share of disappointments & empty promises but if we do not put a stop to the unrelenting challenges, nil-priorities for locals & costs increases, milking will continue - it's not a confrontation of any kinds but a time to realize "You Are On Your Own", promises aside

Turn disappointments into motivators

When you change, the world changes with you

All Men are made equal but many give up their rights in exchange for comforts, verbally at times

GOD is levelling down for you; are you ready to make up for your lost times? Stop complaining and start living

Monday, July 12, 2021

A New Era Is Near

smooth sailing...

The mind determines the goal's achievability 

Successful people achieve & many mentioned that luck was the key catalyst - the spark that burns bright

Without the fire, what will weld ideas into realities? Hard work alone is not enough

The proletariat (working class) alone cannot break the wealth hoard of the bourgeoisie (middle class) whose lobbying to the government could stifle & suppress their (working class) aspirations

When resources are shared & spread equitably, harmony prevails as there are enough to go around

When the workers have fair compensation, productivity improves

Suppressed wages, uneven & unfair treatment and compensations breed contempt - a workforce that merely work enough to 'pass the day'

What aspirations can come out of a disenfranchised workforce? Nothing substantial, just work & wait for payday

Everyone of us is unique & each has a role to play

人生本来就是戏班 做好本分

When you play your role well, achievement is almost assured, however small

In Space shuttle Columbia's 28th mission, a piece of the spray-applied polyurethane foam[1] insulation broke off from the Space Shuttle external tank and struck the reinforced carbon–carbon leading edge of the orbiter's left wing. It was so minor yet destroyed the shuttle with all seven astronauts on reentry

Good time or bad time...shall pass; work together and manifest each other's skilllsets to meet goals, money aside

Level down, live simply, stay healthy...good days shall return

Grit, combined with the power of the mind, will make life easier 666 六六大顺

Complaints do not solve problems; use your energy positively & action changes - thoughts without actions are hopeless

Stay cool & calm in this fairly restrictive environment; mobility is checked & tracked 

When the ill winds blow past, a new normal & prosperity return

The fakes, useless & schemers will be discarded

With faith, compassion and sharing, a new era begins

Toil on...we are near the turning point; when the hearts and minds are in unison, favourable outcomes are assured

Life will be smooth again soon

Monday, July 5, 2021

Be In The Right Circle For Best Outcomes

to shine in  a gloomy day...

Hate it, love it but if you leave will never be part of it

You can't fly like an eagle if you work with turkeys

The elites work within & amongst themselves because few are willing or dare to participate for fear of being out of space. Worst, the feeling of not being able to match or inferior

You are as good as you are willing to listen (someone has to talk & they need listeners), learn (speak only if you know; otherwise, research up the topics & be an intelligent participant), to ask the right question & contribute, where appropriate and be attentive and show enthusiasm

You only, and only.... need some one to take notice of you

An intelligent & relevant question could put you on the right course

If you love to cook, you can never be a Chef by working in a bank nor can you be a mechanic by working in a bar 

近墨者黑 近朱者赤

The commoners can never change policies affecting them by screaming their throats out; they need an elected Representative who shares their goals & inspirations to represent their interests, party aside

An outlier can disrupt the norm but he still need to have influence over the circles of enthusiasts

Dr Sun Yat Sun, an eloquent & articulate speaker, was more influential than Chiang Kai Shek 

Would Goh Chok Tong become the 2nd PM in Singapore if he stayed in the private sector? Less likely

Luck - the magical word - that many, both successful & failures, equate with

The fact remains you must be in the right place, right industry, be passionately driven by your desires, to outshine others & be distinct - be prepared, able & capable, knowledgeable but humble and be ready

Pounce when opportunity presents - if you remain indolent & indifference, your chance passes

You may call the in-circles cronies, leaches, spineless but as Deng XP said "black cat, white long as the cat can catch mice, it's a good cat"

Reality is also cruel 

The good leader is one who works with smarter people, never mind if they are less pliant, but deliver the desired results   

Meritocracy is not just academic capabilities; merit - the quality of being particularly good or worthy 

When the leader surround himself with good, skilled & wise people, the organisation manifest & prosper

If you want to succeed, row up your sleeves, know the strengths & weaknesses of the industry & yourself & jump into the industry; be prepared to get dirty, find a mentor & make yourself useful  

Nothing is too small for you to start & every ideas & idiosyncrasies cut some ice - your job is to pick & build on the winners

If you are in the right circle, life becomes a breeze

If you dare trade your conscience, there is little that can be deemed "obstacles"

I am not your guardian angel; for you, like me will face karma someday

Most importantly, you must be able, and allow, to sleep well

Tomorrow is never promised but ...many don't care


Friday, July 2, 2021

Being Myself

 drips & drops fill the ocean...

We came alone & shall return alone

You were welcomed & you'll get a sent-off; it's only how many were, & who will be, present

Only life(being born) & death are destined; in between, you have choices

You can be the Hitler in-the-making or the Pope or the pauper

Being born poor was destiny but dying poor is your own doing

Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well - Robert Louis Stevenson

PUTIN: If you are born ugly, don't blame the mirror

The world loves a Winner & when you fell, more will want to walk over you than to give you a helping hand; help is accidental

When you are hurt, emotionally challenged or mentally drained, go, take a walk in the rain & let your tears & the rainwater wash away your sadness - without pomp & pity

You will return stronger after dropping the loads of burden - a burden that you willingly carried

拉黑 - Eliminate all your so-called caring friends upon realization; regrets are useless without letting go

True friends encourage, motivate & lend you a hand in the 'last mile' to get you across 

What is a beautiful row of concrete jungle if it's without a Soul? Has Singapore lost her compassion, care & share and the readiness to stand up for fellow Singaporeans? Not totally but much have been eroded over the years...

Someone said "the Singapore today is different from the day's of my dad"...Umm!! 

Nation building requires unity amongst all, if not most  

When there is a class divide, the House of Cards collapsed as each pulls in different directions

It is hard to unite if there is no common factor; terrorism was used but it eased off. Racism, xenophobia and the "Chinese privilege" crop up lately...

Alas! Happy Singaporeans unite because we were proud to be SINGAPOREANS but dilution from 'excessive' emigration is fast eating into our social cohesion & the fibre is thinning out

Good days shall come when sanity and equity return 

There are no bad people/management but if you associate with the wrong "kinds", the batter turns stale & directions deviate

There should be no quarrels amongst citizens for the common good as we have made our Pledge

Some day soon, the volume of accumulated sweat from all will weld everyone together

Mistakes are mistake only when they don't fit the season & fad as so are too early in the curve

A new normal will rise after Covid & quite likely, live side by side with it

While you are riding high, need not be too snob & high nosed; GlennKnight, PeterTham, Ng YuZhi, Madoff, Michael Milken, Nick Leeson...were once there

Singaporeans, whatever class or status, must care for one another

The current crops, young and old, must survive and prosper before outsiders benefit 

Drips & drops fill our reservoirs with lives, happiness and glee

It is not about protection against foreigners & things foreign but if locally born Singaporeans are 'marginalized', what future are we building & for whom? You wouldn't feed & educate your neighbors' children at the expense of yours, do you? Let us start with your heart  心比心

I love the SINGAPORE 1 know

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...