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Monday, July 12, 2021

A New Era Is Near

smooth sailing...

The mind determines the goal's achievability 

Successful people achieve & many mentioned that luck was the key catalyst - the spark that burns bright

Without the fire, what will weld ideas into realities? Hard work alone is not enough

The proletariat (working class) alone cannot break the wealth hoard of the bourgeoisie (middle class) whose lobbying to the government could stifle & suppress their (working class) aspirations

When resources are shared & spread equitably, harmony prevails as there are enough to go around

When the workers have fair compensation, productivity improves

Suppressed wages, uneven & unfair treatment and compensations breed contempt - a workforce that merely work enough to 'pass the day'

What aspirations can come out of a disenfranchised workforce? Nothing substantial, just work & wait for payday

Everyone of us is unique & each has a role to play

人生本来就是戏班 做好本分

When you play your role well, achievement is almost assured, however small

In Space shuttle Columbia's 28th mission, a piece of the spray-applied polyurethane foam[1] insulation broke off from the Space Shuttle external tank and struck the reinforced carbon–carbon leading edge of the orbiter's left wing. It was so minor yet destroyed the shuttle with all seven astronauts on reentry

Good time or bad time...shall pass; work together and manifest each other's skilllsets to meet goals, money aside

Level down, live simply, stay healthy...good days shall return

Grit, combined with the power of the mind, will make life easier 666 六六大顺

Complaints do not solve problems; use your energy positively & action changes - thoughts without actions are hopeless

Stay cool & calm in this fairly restrictive environment; mobility is checked & tracked 

When the ill winds blow past, a new normal & prosperity return

The fakes, useless & schemers will be discarded

With faith, compassion and sharing, a new era begins

Toil on...we are near the turning point; when the hearts and minds are in unison, favourable outcomes are assured

Life will be smooth again soon

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