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Monday, July 5, 2021

Be In The Right Circle For Best Outcomes

to shine in  a gloomy day...

Hate it, love it but if you leave will never be part of it

You can't fly like an eagle if you work with turkeys

The elites work within & amongst themselves because few are willing or dare to participate for fear of being out of space. Worst, the feeling of not being able to match or inferior

You are as good as you are willing to listen (someone has to talk & they need listeners), learn (speak only if you know; otherwise, research up the topics & be an intelligent participant), to ask the right question & contribute, where appropriate and be attentive and show enthusiasm

You only, and only.... need some one to take notice of you

An intelligent & relevant question could put you on the right course

If you love to cook, you can never be a Chef by working in a bank nor can you be a mechanic by working in a bar 

近墨者黑 近朱者赤

The commoners can never change policies affecting them by screaming their throats out; they need an elected Representative who shares their goals & inspirations to represent their interests, party aside

An outlier can disrupt the norm but he still need to have influence over the circles of enthusiasts

Dr Sun Yat Sun, an eloquent & articulate speaker, was more influential than Chiang Kai Shek 

Would Goh Chok Tong become the 2nd PM in Singapore if he stayed in the private sector? Less likely

Luck - the magical word - that many, both successful & failures, equate with

The fact remains you must be in the right place, right industry, be passionately driven by your desires, to outshine others & be distinct - be prepared, able & capable, knowledgeable but humble and be ready

Pounce when opportunity presents - if you remain indolent & indifference, your chance passes

You may call the in-circles cronies, leaches, spineless but as Deng XP said "black cat, white long as the cat can catch mice, it's a good cat"

Reality is also cruel 

The good leader is one who works with smarter people, never mind if they are less pliant, but deliver the desired results   

Meritocracy is not just academic capabilities; merit - the quality of being particularly good or worthy 

When the leader surround himself with good, skilled & wise people, the organisation manifest & prosper

If you want to succeed, row up your sleeves, know the strengths & weaknesses of the industry & yourself & jump into the industry; be prepared to get dirty, find a mentor & make yourself useful  

Nothing is too small for you to start & every ideas & idiosyncrasies cut some ice - your job is to pick & build on the winners

If you are in the right circle, life becomes a breeze

If you dare trade your conscience, there is little that can be deemed "obstacles"

I am not your guardian angel; for you, like me will face karma someday

Most importantly, you must be able, and allow, to sleep well

Tomorrow is never promised but ...many don't care


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