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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Walk Away From Problems

walking away from discomforts...

I love to gather, eat, drink, exchange ideas and gossips but I'll want to stay away from quarrelsome, short-fused, loud mouths & pretentious people

Life is filled with uncertainties and challenges & you don't need negative people to mess it up further nor to cause discomforts

While we cannot dictate the ultimate outcomes, we can guide the sails towards the desired goal

There are enough sadness, challenges, setbacks, disappointments and failures that almost overwhelm everyone daily; so why add more? Leave me alone to enjoy my simple life

拉黑 There are many who want to drag you down

Eliminate the free riders, gossips & loose cannons and all who want to "beggars thy neighbors"

COVID dampens everyone's spirit but why should we be dispirited instead of living best when others live worst? Time changes and people change 

Be there when the good time comes around as (a) dead man tells no tales

放不下是因为还抗得起 People continue carrying their burdens out of emotion, not necessity

辛苦但心不能苦 No matter what happened, do not give up as night will see bright light too - the crack at dawn is brightest

Why indulge in misery as "all shalt pass"; good days, bad days are cyclical moments in life

Never bring your miseries to others, especially your love ones - take a cold shower, have a warm meal washed down with a light drink... listen to some soothing music & clears your mind before you sleep. Tomorrow is still a new day

We owe ourselves the right to smile - smiles lighten the heart & cures all disappointments

I have seen dark days & been to the darkest tunnels & I vow always to 'turn on the light' or 'light a match' to brighten every/any darkness

I am the lighthouse of my life

Monday, September 27, 2021

I Am Mr Success

 dragging one's feet, even if voluntary, is tough...

I am stuck in the mud since March 2020 & many attempts to jump up and out of the quicksand resulted to deeper dives

Everything is being done to boost the spirit and keep the mind sane and functional

Fear is ever present when mobility is stifled and severely restricted

Confidence wears off after repeated defeats: whoever says "failure is the mother of success" has not succeeded

Success breeds more successes - the secrets of attraction

Every step forward in the right direction is forward looking - it could be the step into newfoundland

Every new frontier is borderless as you explore into the unknown - whoever ever believes "from the ashes come the phoenix?" That is, from nothing comes something

Millions of sperms but only one gets to fertilize the egg - you only need one good break

While the ecosystem grinds to a halt, I read to widen my knowledge and seek fresh solutions to existing challenges   不是想不到 只是还没想到

Tomorrow's gonna be better; more importantly, I must be around

Nothing is easy but everything is promising

Who dares win - the winner is the one who stayed long enough, with grit and initiatives and ultimately gets to crack the code

Remember: even the most 'impregnable' safe box can be opened by a locksmith

Long after the last person leaves, the spoils are still around to be picked

Monday, September 20, 2021

Help Your Fellowmen

 helping others is an honor but many demand their 'rights'...

From the depth of mud and dirt, lotus and water lily bloom

They float and flaunt their beauty, bright colors & sturdy crowns, and dance in the breeze

Nobody complains about the dirt below & all sing praises about its charming bloom; it's beauty simply overwhelms 

People recognize and love every thing bright, commandeering and wins & few share the pains of how victories were achieved

Pain is forgotten when the heart lightens up 

Paralympians and olympians get different level of recognition, the former are given much lesser attention and accolades

This world will never be equal; the earlier you accept it, the easier your journey in life 

Magnanimity and compassion make living easier

There are more than enough to go around if the rich don't hoard & there are fair and equatable distribution

Class divide is a deliberate act to differentiate the social classes; the "HAVEs" & the "HaveNOTs", with aristocracy, elitism helming the top 

To breed pliance and loyalty, many are made to "eat out of the hands" of the highest class & those who don't comply are ostrasized, dismissed as minions and 'forced to beg on bended knees - with me or against me is the motto

Costs of living is uncomfortably high and getting higher as unemployment and underemployment bite, coupled with stagnant to depressed wages 

COVID didn't make things any better

There are many public spirited who help or offer varieties of help, away from the limelight and vanity seekers

Why is Singapore/Singaporeans so divided? The top seemed to employ "divide & rule" to cement their grip on the gullible and 'dependants'

Economic issues are laced with racism and xenophobia to paralyse any reasonable debates

I longed to see the old Singapore of the 90s; many industries were helmed by Singaporeans and Singaporeans held their heads high in finance, MNCs, mid-technology, medicines and...unlike today where Singaporeans first is least entertained & scorned at times

PMETs doing delivery, PHDs; the gig economy became the norm whereas foreigners parachute in & displace locals - is this the future for aspiring Singaporeans? NO!

What will change or how can Singapore change to cater to Singaporeans first? It starts with policy makers but changes must start with oneself - DO NOT let others 'write' your Fate

Singapore, like companies, was/were not built in a day nor by instant gratifications - you can import people but you cannot import loyalty & commitments

Let us start by helping the less able, less fortunate and the fallen one

Little by little, we will pick up and build the Nation & ecosystem we desired where justice, equality, meritocracy, transparency and integrity rules

Nobody's anti-government but least desirous policies need to be repealed & replaced with our own aspirations where the grounds are more levelled

When death comes, the grave is about the same size & so is the urn 

Help your Singaporean fellowmen

When Singapore was caught in the WW2, the Chinese, Malay, Indians, Eurasian & others fought as one

Will the diluted and enlarged population fight as one in the next war? Not sure! Not even surprised if it's like Afganistan where a "90days hold" collapsed in 10days

Start by offering little, a little help to Singaporeans & make Singaporeans first our motto

Monday, September 6, 2021

Are You Ready For A Better Tomorrow?

lost in listlessness ...

Only the strongest & smartest will lead in the animal kingdom - the fittest survive

Human is lead by the shrewdest, not necessarily the smartest nor strongest because emotions are 'unstable & fluid'

He who lies without blinking his eyes gets away with murder - a lie repeated long enough becomes truth to the recipients 

Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, Franco Duvalier - charmed their fellowmen & followers; when all else failed brutality & cruelty took over  

Do not follow blindly - the sheep arrive at the abattoir thinking its shearing

During this lull period, it's fine to relax, be listless but not restless 


Autumn - Fall - shed the olds and prepare for the new 

Fall is the time where Nature sheds the old, slows down with soft breeze lapping & the ecosystem adjust to the coming harsher season, Winter

We've almost 18months of COVIDed environment & the world is adjusting to a new normal

Man should set aside the recent past inconveniences & adjust to the change of seasons

Slow down when tired but never quit   

累了就休息 - 是可以放下 不可放弃

What have changed? Much but it was Nature's punctuating a big pause on Mankind; the unending "growth at all costs", the destruction of natural surroundings & habitats, deforestation, pollution of oceans, even the heights of Himalaya didn't escape humans' pollutants

Earth is sick - If Earth dies, all living inhabitants die too

The wisdom of Man are buried in greed, vanity, suspicions, domination & hoarding

When fools rule, death and destruction are certainties

Alas, cultivation of the Soul is so lacking...

If Man lives 60 or 80 years, every 1/4 is a change not unlike the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter

15/20 years = Man is armed with knowledge and maturity to survive his journey

30/40 years = Man has cultivated experiences to help him sow, grow & prosper

45/60 years = Man harvests his fruits 种果得果  种豆得豆

60/80 years = Man & his reflections

You came naked & shalt return alone & back to dusts

Life is a journey ... we are walking towards the end & some do end earlier

Fame, glory, victory are but temporary; nice to have, good to experience 曾经拥有

Take your time to enjoy and maximize every day as time is perishable & will never return

If need be, do nothing 发呆 ; when the mind wonders, let it wonder

Man has lost time doing and chasing what he wants, not necessarily what he needs

He trades health for wealth and pays with wealth to 'restore' health towards the end

The grand oak tree fell in stormy weather whereas the blade of grass dance in the winds

Life is temporary

It's fine to "go with the flow" & not push to the end

Anything and everything at extremes destroy & cannibalize 

Relax, not be stressed but relieved & pace your life

Whatever shall be, will be 该来的 总是会来 - 已经在路上了

Are you ready to rebound and move on when COVID is over? Bet, you are not sure

Now's the time to prepare for the better tomorrow

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...