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Monday, September 27, 2021

I Am Mr Success

 dragging one's feet, even if voluntary, is tough...

I am stuck in the mud since March 2020 & many attempts to jump up and out of the quicksand resulted to deeper dives

Everything is being done to boost the spirit and keep the mind sane and functional

Fear is ever present when mobility is stifled and severely restricted

Confidence wears off after repeated defeats: whoever says "failure is the mother of success" has not succeeded

Success breeds more successes - the secrets of attraction

Every step forward in the right direction is forward looking - it could be the step into newfoundland

Every new frontier is borderless as you explore into the unknown - whoever ever believes "from the ashes come the phoenix?" That is, from nothing comes something

Millions of sperms but only one gets to fertilize the egg - you only need one good break

While the ecosystem grinds to a halt, I read to widen my knowledge and seek fresh solutions to existing challenges   不是想不到 只是还没想到

Tomorrow's gonna be better; more importantly, I must be around

Nothing is easy but everything is promising

Who dares win - the winner is the one who stayed long enough, with grit and initiatives and ultimately gets to crack the code

Remember: even the most 'impregnable' safe box can be opened by a locksmith

Long after the last person leaves, the spoils are still around to be picked

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