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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Walk Away From Problems

walking away from discomforts...

I love to gather, eat, drink, exchange ideas and gossips but I'll want to stay away from quarrelsome, short-fused, loud mouths & pretentious people

Life is filled with uncertainties and challenges & you don't need negative people to mess it up further nor to cause discomforts

While we cannot dictate the ultimate outcomes, we can guide the sails towards the desired goal

There are enough sadness, challenges, setbacks, disappointments and failures that almost overwhelm everyone daily; so why add more? Leave me alone to enjoy my simple life

拉黑 There are many who want to drag you down

Eliminate the free riders, gossips & loose cannons and all who want to "beggars thy neighbors"

COVID dampens everyone's spirit but why should we be dispirited instead of living best when others live worst? Time changes and people change 

Be there when the good time comes around as (a) dead man tells no tales

放不下是因为还抗得起 People continue carrying their burdens out of emotion, not necessity

辛苦但心不能苦 No matter what happened, do not give up as night will see bright light too - the crack at dawn is brightest

Why indulge in misery as "all shalt pass"; good days, bad days are cyclical moments in life

Never bring your miseries to others, especially your love ones - take a cold shower, have a warm meal washed down with a light drink... listen to some soothing music & clears your mind before you sleep. Tomorrow is still a new day

We owe ourselves the right to smile - smiles lighten the heart & cures all disappointments

I have seen dark days & been to the darkest tunnels & I vow always to 'turn on the light' or 'light a match' to brighten every/any darkness

I am the lighthouse of my life

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