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Monday, October 4, 2021

The Normal Cycle - Everything Ends & Re-start

everything ends...

Live your best when others live worse

From birth to death; everything is a journey

You learn & arm yourself with 'qualifications' cum experiences and better your chances of achieving your goals

Everyone has different goals 心有多大 舞台就多大

Some struggled throughout their lives but achieved little but others hardly pushed their finger & rewards are abundant

This world will never be fair - the earlier you accept it, the lighter the frustration, disappointments & bondage

All promises are empty until delivered

If I need to make a choice between trust and money, I'll take money - with money i can trade trusts 有钱不是万能 无钱万万不能

Money is only a means to an end, not an end by itself

Life  has never been tough if you care to void yourself of emotions and expectations

Do whatever fits, take whatever comes ... as from life to death is only a breath away

When you help others, it's a spent force & do not expect appreciation, repayment nor acknowledgement

Whatever rewards, if any, are incidentals

I live once & every day is a bonus - I'll do & go where my heart takes me, logic aside yet without messing up my life

Tomorrow is never promised

Like it or not, we are already in October, 2021 - 3/4 of a year is gone and many are none the wiser but still entrench in the Covid-war, struggling to understand

Money: Will the many zeroes be eliminated & its value debased? Let's ride the cycle 

From 1900 to now, the stockmarket, where monies are distributed, is a good indicator of the well-being of economies - boom, bust, recovery

Man (central banks) has created the windows to print money, to multiply it's effects, to shore up confidence and to keep the cycles spinning

COVID did not floor the economies but has definitely slowed the spin

US and China trade spats have aided the slow down but stock market in US has been roaring, none the less

Smart money is always looking for safe heaven but I have doubts if the US markets, especially the eBusinesses & futuristic concepts (eVehicles, space travel, AI + Robotics), can last without major adjustments

Buying into the future is buying into a promise but the world is in consumption mode; here & now

As many are cautious of the Jupiter Effects, every major drop enjoys an equally strong rebound

When confidence wears thin and disappears, 2022 will usher in the "1929 effects" out, you read it here 

The physical signs are here but ignored: 

**Long Q@soup kitchens

**unemployment & underemployment

**wealth concentration in a few (google: The pyramid shows that: half of the world's net wealth belongs to the top 1%, top 10% of adults hold 85%, while the bottom 90% hold the remaining 15% of the world's total wealth, top 30% of adults hold 97% of the total wealth)

**disrupted logistics and supply chain 

**shortage of food

**natural calamities

Unless and until the above are more settled and stable, the next 6-12 months will be challenging

Worry not as this is part of the cycles; the only constant is change

1 comment:

wizard said...

as I wrote, the US markets, DJIA index had experienced a few days of 500points wild swing, with S&P 500 & Nasdaq accompanying...lay your bet

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