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Monday, October 18, 2021

Hurts Never Kill

 if you can shoulder it...

The amount of load that you can carry and continues to carry is the surest sign that you are not burdened nor suffering under that weight nor pressures

Parents give everything to their kids to lighten their lives & create possibilities

The loved (被爱者)will be showered with blessings, cares, gifts, opportunities; at times, beyond the affordability of the givers

When love strikes, the sacrifices are almost infinite but there is a price for everything

Playing with emotions can be pricy though; the repercussions may also be equally explosive

Nothing comes for free

Whenever something crops up amongst friends, I seldom ask "why"! If he wants to tell, he would have done so. If he doesn't, he will cook-up a story to placate everyone. That's the same as someone asking for a loan

It's better to be a good listener than a good counselor as most ask for a listening ear to pour out their sorrows

I love the rain; walking in the rain where tears & rain comingle as water - the Soul is blessed with showers and the heart lightens without burnout & nobody sees the weaknesses of the self

When the mirror is broken but restored, the hairline cracks remain, however faint

When your boss breaks his promises. when your better half breaks the trusts, when your most desired 'dream was not forthcoming nor materializing', it's best to bite the bullet, accept the fact, take a impactful punch and walk away

You may be hurt badly but wounds do heal ... it takes time

The scars are Trophy of Experiences

Many a times, setbacks are self-inflicted; from the parent who sacrificed everything to send her kid to college but landed in aged home, to the lover who gave every inch away & only to receive unrequited love and the willingness to be incarcerated for another crime

There are no fools but stupidity; fools do 'wake up'. The stupid person is like someone who died and is oblivious of his surroundings and the people around him is suffering the consequences of his acts 

You live and passes on in due course; do not take advantage of others unnecessarily

Debts will need to be repaid whereupon emotional debts have limitless retributions. It's like fire - a match can burn a forest

If you discover yourself being used or manipulated, walk away & start afresh - the pains will go away

Why bother with revenge than to watch him falter in a larger game 雨过天晴

Take it easy however demanding the situation is as all shalt pass

He who laughs last, laughs best 

In this trying moments, the lighter the mind, the easier the journey

Let GO & every awakening is a new day

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