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Friday, October 8, 2021

Laughing My Way To Victory

anything is possible...

Offshore accounts hidden in tax heavens islands (BVIs, HongKong, US(South Dakota), Singapore (AsiaCiti Trust is one of the key player & based in Singapore) by high profile people; kings, politicians, artists, princlings, wives of the "who's who" 

What's impossible? COVID closed international borders and clipped the wings of flights, Man are caged in, experimental vaccinations are applied directly onto Man & ...the animals are watching

All living things lived on air, water and sunlight; with COVID, air becomes a commodity - you pay to breath oxygen

Air is free but not for too long. Water was abundance but no longer drinkable; nations will go to war to secure drinkable water. Sunshine is available but a nuke-war may darken the sky

Spend your time with your love ones and disassociate with those who 'milk' you, talk down to you, betray you and 'sold' you 拉黑 - keep your family & bosom friends & clear the casual acquaintances

Time is finite

Nothing is impossible - believe in yourself & explore the unexplored

Trust in GOD, be compassionate & offer aid to the less fortunate and eat lesser meat (i can't say don't eat meat ; to each his own)

Colonel Sunders began his chicken business (KFC) at aged 65, with $105 (his social security cheque) as capital, during the Great Depression. He saw opportunities

Sir Charlie Chaplain has an absent father and his mother struggled financially; nothing stopped him from being successful as an actor, producer & director. He was able to laugh off miseries

When you are too busy making a living, there is no time for worries and complaints

An idle mind is a devil's workshop; spend your time reading (a widespread of) topics of interests; someday, they will be useful

Your energy is best spend on positive motivational plans than disuse in overthink

Many successful people spend time creating and commercializing their creation & do not wallow in misery

It's normal to face obstacles and complain but wouldn't the energy be better used finding solutions? I resolve and rein-in problems; with victory, to seek compensation is an afterthought

Let go of your past failures and disharmony. The world loves a winner & if you're standing high on the pedestal, your beacon lights up the world & everyone comes to you

COVID levels down society's social status & allow many an opportunity to climb the social ladder

Unless, you see opportunity, you are doomed to remain status quo 

Go with the flow; some day soon you will reach the peak of your dream...

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