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Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Fleet Footedness

 change like a flip of a coin...

Time is the best friend; it bury & heals 

Like an almost empty vase, drips of water fill over time & experiences accumulate

The best is yet to be but the world continues evolving even if you stop or quit

Time and tides wait for no man

Pains will heal but scars remain; the subtle memories of experiences past

Overcome the past & conquer all eventualities or be a victim upon circumstances

Nothing is too hideous to swallow when life is at stake as dead man tell no tales

Leadership, like a dead fish, rods from the head & it's stench is smelt miles away while the underlings suffer the fallouts

Choose your friends and leaders wisely as many are just passers-by; 浑水摸鱼 they'd 'top slice' the choicest piece

November 2021 is here despite tough and uncertain beginning - time flows - good or bad

Be slow to judge, slower to comment and offer an endearing ear - listen patiently & attentively

Life will never be the same when a dear one departs; it's a chapter where possibly one lead character exits & whatever is left are fond memories

Walk away from lies, half truths & misinformation

Never volunteer too much personal information nor get too involve in anothers life emotionally

When no emotion is involved, decisions are more logical, stable & resolvable yet contained

Stay away from vindictive, selfish, self serving, greedy & suspicious characters as it's too tiring defending the indefensible

Bernard Lawrence Madoff, an American fraudster and financier who ran the largest Ponzi scheme in history, worth about $64.8 billion, said "The whole government is a Ponzi scheme”. He was at one time chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange

Don't blame the conman, the politicians, your friends...learn not to be gullible & have wishful thinking

“You’re either lucky or blessed. Which would you choose? Me? I’d choose clever.”  ― V.E. Schwab, A Conjuring of Light

How fast we adopt & adapt to changes, more often than not, determine the outcome - the desired result when crystalised is a result of our efforts

We may change with the circumstances or push through our thoughts but we must never change the Laws of Nature, that is, somethings need time; from pupae to butterflies, from buds to flowers, then fruits, the changing of tides & wind directions...

In the last 20years or so, the world's leading stockmarkets have soared & any major drop is followed by recovery into new highs; Man has taken this as a norm

COVID has disrupted the/all norms

In uncertain times, be patient but fleet footed

Trust no one with your life & relies on instincts... the 6th sense

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