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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Surviving On Little

save & stretch the dollar...

How to, & why do you, save when inflation kicks in where your $1 today buys $0.80 next month? The meagre interest rate of 0.5% pa offered by banks doesn't help neither does the stagnant income

The million dollars question is "is it better to be able to buy something, expensive though, than not able to by anything even if you have money"? This only applies to non-necessities

Where necessities are concerned, you get lesser because your money shrinks while the rich grumbles about their lower real purchasing power

Why did prices of goods rise despite the dampening of global demands by Covid? It is the unfortunate cycles of mismatches: the abundance produce were trapped & undelivered when Covid hit & lockdowns begun. Producers distraught by inability to distribute & sell, cut supplies by destruction of existing stocks and reduced production. Distribution channels were further paralyzed by the breakdown of logistics flows

Oil is >$80; why so in a globally slowed economy? Production is struggling to match recovery in demands from low(er) as many idle fields need to restart

Costs of living is spiraling up despite stagnant income and unemployment & underemployment

Inflation almost always hurt the poor man first as real income falls

How to find the cheapest, fair quality "Buys"? With so many eSites, do a spreadsheet on the items from the various sites to draw comparison - cheap doesn't mean poor quality. Buy whatever you need, not want

When you lower your expectations, you have lesser disappointments

The world will spin whether you like it or not, alive or dead

Many are complaining about the ever changing policies, including restrictions & termination of employment of the unvax

Jab at your own risks also mean you must be given a choice - the choice of say "NO"

Who will pay for any medical eventualities, if at all? Yourself; that's why the "NO" must remain sacred  

Eat & spend within your means and buy what you need, not what you want

The financial markets in US have enjoyed years of rises, growth & bountiful prosperity whereas markets in the East are undergoing monumental correction

Were smart money finding heaven in the West where money makes monies & where hard working production make meagre returns in the East? The root to this is perception

The West buys into the future & spend ahead of time whereas the East is the global workshop toiling to provide for global demands

When reality hits & the house of cards collapsed, pains and blood will flood the street

Cost push and demand pull economics shrink real purchasing power; inflation rears it's head

Leveling down allows those lower down the food chain to catch up

But, you'd need an "anarchy of financial armageddon" to redistribute wealth more equitably 

Lines at soup kitchen grows, unemployment & underemployment are the new norm

Stretching the dollar to survive will be the new norm before more can be saved & accumulated in the recovery phase

Lie low, keep going, stay healthy and sane...the lights will return

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