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Wednesday, January 5, 2022

360 Days Of Possibilities - Beginning Now

the show must go on...

As the new year crawled in, the show continues

The only thing that's new is the calendar, Year 2022

You continue with your 酸甜苦辣 daily chores, unchanged melodrama, obstinance, convictions, beliefs, whatever fits

The same solutions to the same problem yields the same results

Success is measured differently; dominance, fame, power, rewards, position, breakthroughs, makeups, recuperates, restoration ...or simply found peace amidst disquietness

During the Great Depression, Colonel Saunders started selling his fried chickens with his social security money ($105) at age 62years old & sold a part of his business for $2mil at 73yo but continued to earn from franchising

Nobody, or few would know, he started "Claudia Saunder, The Colonel's Lady", a non-fast food KFC, at age 84yo 

Former US President Barack Obama became the first black person-president of the US in 2008. Before 1965, it was almost unthinkable that the blacks (afro-americans) can vote

Beliefs, righteousness, integrity, compassion, enthusiasm, honesty & grit, bathe with lucks are fundamental building blocs for success 天时地利人和

You need money, if not, guts to succeed

Nature versus Nurture; even if you are destined to succeed (Nature), your success will be marginal if you don't put in your efforts (Nurture)

Everyone eats to live & not live to eat but will endeavor higher aspirations as basic needs are met

Chase your dreams

Between your first breathe and your last, conquer your world & push for newer frontiers

When you think you CAN, half the battle is won

You can bicker, blame the world, complain incessantly...but you will remain stuck in the rut

Use your energy to change the course of your life positively instead; you change & the world changes with you

Whether you like it or not, the world continues evolving

You have 360days in 2022...maybe! Make every day counts

Anyone who refuses to admit mistakes, need not change & will not change

A persistent liar is any incurable hypocrite & gaslighting is one of his favorite tools

Between cash and promises, take cash, however filthy - a banker once said "I like the stench of dirty monies"

You need not bother with what others think nor say of you

Your presence is their present but your absence will not be felt; try borrowing money (or ask for favors) from those around you and see how many stay

Keep going, keep dreaming but be awakened soon enough & work on your dreams

Most goals come true

Resolutions can be recycled & goals may change

Today is current and tomorrow is never promised 活在当下

曾经拥有 是幸福 天长地久 是梦想 Life is finite and all shalt pass; parting is not a choice

Summarily, the world is looking for a safer mode of exchange as the confidence in currency(ies) is waning. The leading capital market is base on hype and hope and the valuation is almost 'imaginary', not unlike the metaverse

How will/can the economies grow or "keep growing" if there are shortages in food and commodities, breakdown in logistics & delivery, disappearing employments and sabre rattling? It almost defy applied economics

I am not going to speculate on what may happen tomorrow but will live my best today; the show must go on

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