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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Destiny Is Written By You

when one ends, another begins...while most continue

Many impossibles were achieved at extremes of demand

Walt Disney, a shy & insecure man, was dismissed as a non-artist & non-achiever

Picasso lacked discipline and dislike formal instructions

Benito Mussolini was originally a socialist politician, turned fascist & dictator, and expanded Italy's influences into Albania, Libya, Ethiopia, Somalia & others

Sun Yat-Sen lived through the turbulent period & is unique among 20th-century Chinese leaders for being widely revered in both mainland China and Taiwan

Hideki Tojo came from a relatively low-ranking samurai family & rose to the rank of General in the Imperial Army, then Prime Minister during WW2; he was convicted as a war criminal after WW2

Lee Kuan Yew took the road less traveled and led Singapore, after independence from Malaya, to shine & prosper with foresight and commitment to the people, though not necessarily accommodating at times. 

Give & take, Care & share and by allowing the free flow of information, initiatives will enhance and manifest; nobody has a monopoly of ideas - for the People, with the People, by the People

You cannot inhibit initiatives and expect freshness of ideas to blossom

Healthy competition challenges known boundaries and push for new frontiers - metaverse & NFT (non-fungiable tokens), cryptos included

DotCom collapsed in 2000s & SARs miraculously disappeared by 2004

Will cryptos collapsed during COVID & reappears in a more stable, acceptable and globally recognised methods of settlement post-Covid? The chances are highly likely not unlike the metamorphosis of a butterfly

Vax & re-vax, booster shots & additional shots - this simply shows that the vaccine is ineffective, save for lowering the impact of those hit by Covid

Henceforth, this should be optional instead of mandatory - who's profiting from this? Any, why so? It seems to be kind of karma-in-motion; the days of testing on animals are over. It's humans now

Nothing is infinite but everything evolve

All decisions are right at the point of making

Regret is the result of emotional response - "I gave in", "I thought it was the best", "I thought it will never fail", "He's very convincing"...

Do not make any promises when you are happ(iest)y nor react when you are absolutely down; both seem undeliverable

Most bitter decisions result in (more) positive outcome; its like an antidote

You bite the bullet and the pains dissolved ultimately

As the pains are washed away by time & wisdom, a new horizon materializes

We are all unique & here to perform certain tasks 做好本分 前途无量

It is okay to fail & that's not the end of the road

Every ending has a new beginning but do not apply the same solutions to your harbored ambition

For avoidance of doubts, you may recycle your CNYear-Resolution ; either you change your goals or your solutions to succeed

Nature has a way of rearranging destiny & restart mankind

Some day soon, your LUCK will arrive

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