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Monday, April 18, 2022

Frankness &

say what you mean...

People love to hear nice and pleasant things, not necessarily the real things 甜蜜的谎言

There is no eternal friends but there can be common interests

Words are cheap & promises are hollow; trust no one

I can trust everyone so long as I am not part of their game plan & eventualities 

I have learnt over the years that all promises are hollow until delivered 

Disappointments, setbacks & defeats arise when you least expect them & the best antidote is to laugh it off while the tears dry along the way

Nobody is interested to hear your sorrows while some are elated with your misery indeed

As one matures and wise up, he will accept that you need to be useful (of use), otherwise many will desert you - you are as valuable as what you can give & sacrifice

There is a price to pay for everything, including indifference

What do you see (photo: left) or feel? A naked woman carrying a ram, a determined lady or simply an art piece (Vladimir Fokanov)? I see the equality of gender where the woman is trying to prove her worth with her brute strength

This world will never be equal. Gender equality refers to occupational equality, not some genetic differentials that make man and woman different

Shouts of male-female equality are as old as fairness & equality for mankind for which both sounded noble in theory - good to have, i guess 

Many do not like to hear the truths

赢就赢,输就输 就好像水潮 上下,进退

Make your life journey worthwhile; without 'happenings' along the way, you'd have no stories to tell in your twilight years

Many appreciate frankness from those who like them

Honesty & frankness make one vulnerable & unsought frankness is called insolence

A friend is one who speaks honestly about your strengths and weaknesses whereas acquaintances sing praises effortlessly to buttress your ego  

I love accolades, praises and recognition but I can live without all these as I am who I am; I have no ego but principle

I am a loner by choice - alone is not loneliness 

My frankness has bounced back and hit me hard but I would rather be frank and fair than to lie & inflate other - I'm a bad politician

My life is battle hardened & the scars are my medals 

煞星 :吉或凶 没有绝对

There is no absolute good or bad; everything is relative

Frankness is a virtue

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