work to live, not live to work...
The intense competition for jobs are further buttressed by the influx of foreigners seeking work here😈
How do you celebrate Labor Day if you are underemployed or unemployed or paid below real wages? It's an attitude issue; we work to live & not live to work
The Govt that you have elected is there to protect your interests and livelihoods, otherwise why give them employment to displace yourself? It must be a win-win solution
Anyone whom you put into position decide to displace you is a traitor
Don't tell me "it's for everyone's good" when I am deprived and suffer while you bask in luxury
Leaders lead by example; dictators and emperors lead by 'command, control & suppression'
The mass is happy to go about their everyday's life; tough, hard but livable
Give the freedom back to the people and do not 'paternalise' & claim superiority; we are all made to be different, not enslaved
The elitists claimed superiority to dominate & supperess the mass but no rich man can live in a sea of poors.
When push comes to shove, revolution erupts; not rebellious but survival (instincts)
Look forward
Think before you do. After you have acted, there is only consequences, no "IFs", no "BUTs"
You can change your life; it starts with your attitude (change)
May! May is here & 1/3 of the year is gone
If you continue to sulk, complain & procrastinate instsead of improving yourself, you are stuck in the quicksand of time - doomed
Get up & get going...
I will be better... from now onwards, not tomorrow
My share of misses, betrayals, defeats are lessons & victory is when i shelf my sufferings & use my energy to re-pivot into a successes
Winning is everything
Working is a past time; not being able to find work because of foreign influx is a curse & betrayals
The more capable are elected to lead the mass out of misery & sufferings, not to dominate, suppress & gain from their 'charity & trust'
I am not criticising but reminding that the weaker ones need help; you're paid to do your job 拿人钱财 替人消灾
If you want to make money, go be a businessperson
Policy making and politics affect many people's lives directly; for the better or worse
"Care & share" with our own people first just as you would your family members; foreigners are not Singaporeans and know which side your bread is buttered
I am a commoner like most Singaporeans
On Labor Day, your loyalty and concerns must be for, and start with, Singaporeans
If, for each his own, the national fibre will snap
I am not xenophobia;I am a Singaporean ...there are jobs that Singaporeans want, there are jobs that there are not enough Singaporeans to fit in & work & you need foreigners to fill but no Singaporean is lazy & doesn't want to work if wages are equitable
We work for a living. We work to live but never work until death's door opens
Happy Labor Day is when everyone is gainfully employed
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