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Monday, May 23, 2022

Journey Forward

walking forward & towards the ...

Do whatever you want now, not tomorrow for everything goes on until the/your last breathe

Nobody knows when we expire but there is certainty in death

Chase your goals, dreams, aspirations...within your means ; "the I want to but..." remains illusive if you wait 

The unfinished statement, the unrequited relationship, the longing for something but didn't dare to move forward, the chaser but not the completor; all shalt remain unachieved

If you don't try, it's a sure "NO"

No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow – Euripides

For those who complain, procrastinate, whine & 'stop living' during Covid, they have lost >700 days

Not that the Covid scourge is over but the situation has somehow adjusted & adapted; living with the virus & a new normal has arrived

Move ahead bravely

The stable & affirmative mind deflects intrusive disruptions

Treasure those who care & share and discard those who betray & are disloyal

Bees will harness flowers for their nectar however, you cannot teach flies not to eat shit

Friends, foes and acquaintances flock around you when you are prospering & shining brightly

But, all successful journeys are self-fleetfooted

First 25 years: is a 100m dash - do & show

Next 25 years: is a middle distance run - you need lots of pacing

The last >25 years or more: is long distance marathon-type walk-a-run - you think you can but your physical limits restrict

Avoid sweet talkers, the glib tongue, the inexhaustive pouring of praises - they prostitute with their tongues & would disappear on the first instance of your seeming 'failure'

只要你相信 前途无量 活出你的“自己”

What the mind thinks, you become

Honor your parents, honor your words

Crimes, scam & con do not pay

Repent 忏悔

Make good your promises

The route forward is for everyone to explore & conquer 

Live to tell a/your story, not to be saddled with regrets

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