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Monday, May 23, 2022

Journey Forward

walking forward & towards the ...

Do whatever you want now, not tomorrow for everything goes on until the/your last breathe

Nobody knows when we expire but there is certainty in death

Chase your goals, dreams, aspirations...within your means ; "the I want to but..." remains illusive if you wait 

The unfinished statement, the unrequited relationship, the longing for something but didn't dare to move forward, the chaser but not the completor; all shalt remain unachieved

If you don't try, it's a sure "NO"

No one can confidently say that he will still be living tomorrow – Euripides

For those who complain, procrastinate, whine & 'stop living' during Covid, they have lost >700 days

Not that the Covid scourge is over but the situation has somehow adjusted & adapted; living with the virus & a new normal has arrived

Move ahead bravely

The stable & affirmative mind deflects intrusive disruptions

Treasure those who care & share and discard those who betray & are disloyal

Bees will harness flowers for their nectar however, you cannot teach flies not to eat shit

Friends, foes and acquaintances flock around you when you are prospering & shining brightly

But, all successful journeys are self-fleetfooted

First 25 years: is a 100m dash - do & show

Next 25 years: is a middle distance run - you need lots of pacing

The last >25 years or more: is long distance marathon-type walk-a-run - you think you can but your physical limits restrict

Avoid sweet talkers, the glib tongue, the inexhaustive pouring of praises - they prostitute with their tongues & would disappear on the first instance of your seeming 'failure'

只要你相信 前途无量 活出你的“自己”

What the mind thinks, you become

Honor your parents, honor your words

Crimes, scam & con do not pay

Repent 忏悔

Make good your promises

The route forward is for everyone to explore & conquer 

Live to tell a/your story, not to be saddled with regrets

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

You Decide Your Destiny

continue guessing...

The world, it's people, has been guessing for centuries

Guessing games have worsen as fakes, misinformation & lies creep in drowning realities a few realms lower

Governments, the world over, are presenting fakes, imitations, misinformation & convincing mind-bending videos to sway opinions toward their preferred results

Predictions about the future are vastly inaccurate; GOD does not disclose the future in any day

Fortune telling, philosophy, religions, conpersons & even scientists may broadly 'paint a picture of the plausible future' but nobody can accurately conclude what will happen at the time specific - it's logic combines with psychology

Can you change your life? YES, of course

Changing your life requires deliberate changes from within (you)! A trained doctor or engineer could become a Chef - they need to learn to cook. An unskilled person can train to be a craftsman while you can give up everything and seek enlightenment - the changes or change lie within

Life is a struggle because of 'comparison'; salary, status, affordability, position, even a simple thing like clothing

The rough sleeper & beggar are able to do get by because they've given up 'the need to compare'...maybe, at the lowest rung, there is little or nothing to compare

Vanity is acute inferior complex as one exhibits lame 'supremeness';  You cannot weed out vanity without modesty & humbleness

Man is a strange animal; he never needs to know why he is happy but must find out "why he is sad, disoriented, unsuccessful, defeated, lost..." He guesses why he failed & only success is definitive

Success isn't complex; set you goal, acquire the skillsets or papers, apply your knowledge, hone your skills, adjust, adopt & adapt, try & trials, hone into satisfaction & perfection - your efforts will be recognised 

STOP going to voodoo, fortune tellers, clairvoyance & pick up the knowledge and skills required to lay the path towards your goals. Also,  avoid your so-called friends who talk down to you & harbor every intents to see you fail  by discouragement & destroyed

You/We can continue guessing...

What's the point of guessing will WW3 breakout, who is the next PM of Singapore, will war breaks out in the SCSeas... anything beyond you or your ability is "good to know, but need not waste too much time on them"

The world loves a winner. When you win & the crown is yours, the world comes to you

Succeed & 'the world' will be at your feet

Change within & the world changes with you

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Work & Life

work to live, not live to work...

The intense competition for jobs are further buttressed by the influx of foreigners seeking work here😈

How do you celebrate Labor Day if you are underemployed or unemployed or paid below real wages? It's an attitude issue; we work to live & not live to work

The Govt that you have elected is there to protect your interests and livelihoods, otherwise why give them employment to displace yourself? It must be a win-win solution 

Anyone whom you put into position decide to displace you is a traitor

Don't tell me "it's for everyone's good" when I am deprived and suffer while you bask in luxury

Leaders lead by example; dictators and emperors lead by 'command, control & suppression'

The mass is happy to go about their everyday's life; tough, hard but livable

Give the freedom back to the people and do not 'paternalise' & claim superiority; we are all made to be different, not enslaved

The elitists claimed superiority to dominate & supperess the mass but no rich man can live in a sea of poors. 

When push comes to shove, revolution erupts; not rebellious but survival (instincts)

Look forward

Think before you do. After you have acted, there is only consequences, no "IFs", no "BUTs"

You can change your life; it starts with your attitude (change)

May! May is here & 1/3 of the year is gone

If you continue to sulk, complain & procrastinate instsead of improving yourself, you are stuck in the quicksand of time - doomed 

Get up & get going...

I will be better... from now onwards, not tomorrow

My share of misses, betrayals, defeats are lessons & victory is when i shelf my sufferings & use my energy to re-pivot into a successes

Winning is everything

Working is a past time; not being able to find work because of foreign influx is a curse & betrayals

The more capable are elected to lead the mass out of misery & sufferings, not to dominate, suppress & gain from their 'charity & trust' 

I am not criticising but reminding that the weaker ones need help; you're paid to do your job 拿人钱财 替人消灾 

If you want to make money, go be a businessperson

Policy making and politics affect many people's lives directly; for the better or worse

"Care & share" with our own people first just as you would your family members; foreigners are not Singaporeans and know which side your bread is buttered

I am a commoner like most Singaporeans

On Labor Day, your loyalty and concerns must be for, and start with, Singaporeans

If, for each his own, the national fibre will snap

I am not xenophobia;I am a Singaporean ...there are jobs that Singaporeans want, there are jobs that there are not enough Singaporeans to fit in & work & you need foreigners to fill but no Singaporean is lazy & doesn't want to work if wages are equitable

We work for a living. We work to live but never work until death's door opens

Happy Labor Day is when everyone is gainfully employed

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...