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Thursday, July 7, 2022

Stop Worrying & Start Living

 lazing is an Art....

How do you empty your mind, brain, heart and remain sober and stable? The monks, nuns & hermits do it seemingly easy

Emptiness is not void

Alone is not loneliness

The last 27 months have slowed everything to an almost complete stop no matter how fast & furious you were previously

The sky was cleared of aeroplanes, shipping deserted the high seas and there were minimal traffic on the roads - the environment cleans up

Nothing was impossible; Man were quarantined & locked-in, global commerce trickled to a shadow of its past, mobility was stymied & entire towns became prisons to humans

Birds, animals & plants proliferate as the ecosystems clears & cleans up

Nature reclaim  control

An idle mind is the Devil's workshop

Dominant world powers scheme to gain greater influences and control over others: US provoked EU, using NATO, to expand militarily. Russia pushed her frontiers forward & into Ukraine to prevent a 'new' enemy at her doorstep, not unlike the 1962 Cuban Crisis. China ringfenced her borders & had built global economic influences via OBOR. 

US looks bent on stirring troubles in the East to lock-in China. Taiwan, South Korea & Japan were bundled into "one-axis@SCSea" to provoke China. If EU/Russia locked horns in the West & China sink her teeth into "one-axis@SCSea", US will earn herself 10 lead years to grow.

A modern & updated "Thucydides Trap" whereupon the declining power use others to achieve their goal of sustaining her leadership role

US has been printing paper currency (US$) for some years & many predicted that the US dollars will become banana currency. By the end of 2021, the federal government had $28.43 trillion in federal debt. But, with the stroke of luck, Inflation surfaced fast and furious. US/FED increased interest rates to tame inflation, henceforth strengthening the US dollars - a masterful stroke.

Russia has co-opted a "nuclear first strike" stance.

The world cannot afford a nuke-WW3; few will come out alive... but, then again

An advice to those worriers-at-large: 

If you don't die of Covid, Monkeypox or other infectious diseases, you may die when nukes start flying all over. Chase your dream, go forward to achieve your goals ...within your means. We are born and we will die sometime, somewhere - Stop Worrying & Start Living

To those who bully, ostracize, gaslight & scam others; remember, KARMA is a bitch

Well, do whatever you please but be ready to accept the consequences

Have Faith, GOD is the Ombudsman

If tomorrow comes

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