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Saturday, July 23, 2022

Looking Forward@Crystalball

dare you to walk into the wilderness...

Not that the scourge of COVID is over but Man cannot & doesn't want to be locked-in & restricted

800 days of restraints have made Man lazy, lethargic and disoriented

Globalization and commerce grind to a stop as powers-to-be lobby to influence and control the world; some with outright gunsmanship & gaming global peace

The leading capital market is as unpredictable as their wild guesses - whether inflation or recession will rear its head first

Markets are behaving like casinos that even the currency markets are in disarray

As more are learnt, more need to be learnt - the refusal to resume economic cooperation will be costly to everyone globally

Disunity results in anarchy 家和万事兴 - the disconnect to save oneself & to reign supreme over another, destroys 

The world is not going to be a better place to live in until the evils are defeated

Conspiracy theories on currency, controls, domination, illuminati, whatever are aplenty

Frankly, the world has not learnt much from Covid & its attendant disruptions

The world is not going to be a better place; trade wars, embargoes, the rich-poor divide, the dominant power wanting to maintain status quo & to dictate who runs which country, expect subservience & vassal obedience

The desertion of US$s for other currency in global trades signal deep division in economic cooperation & oneness

The US, as the leader, is coercing 'everyone' to follow and obey their instructions as against moral suasion previously

In early 2000s, I wrote that the world will become tripolar : USAmerica, USEurope & USAsia greased by Mid-East oil but it is fast becoming USAmerica, which include Europe and USAsia, which include China, Russia & the asian surrounding countries while the Mid-East oil countries tilt towards USAsia

If US$ losses its relevance, many will move towards barter trades and hard currency, namely the country's currency backed by gold

The tug for influence will trigger a major war, plausibly WW3 - a war that may exterminate >2/3 of global population. I am not a doomsayer but the destructive powers of nukes are real

I am still hopeful that "sense and stability" will rule but the vanity and ego of Man remain a threat

I expect deep recession to occur - almost as depress(ive) as the 1930s - when Central Banks overkill inflation

Economic momentum does not Start/Stop at click of the switch - when  confidence is destroyed, it takes time to rebuild

Cash is King but if your cash becomes a banana currency, anarchy follows

The League of Nations gave way to the forming of United Nations - can a divided UN commands everyone to oblige a common goal? Very unlikely...   

After this phase of uncertainty, hopefully not insanity, the world will return to enjoy years of peace, harmony & prosperity ... it's just how much damage is done before sanity returns

活在当下 笑看风云 

Worry not; it's not time yet for the world to end

Live and let live - live happily

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