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Monday, August 15, 2022

Your Deeds Will Haunt You

when unsure...

Step aside and leave the world behind

Somehow, whatever shalt happen will meet you - crystalization

You don't get to miss anything - the good will come and the bad will hound

Man should not do anything detrimental or destructive while the world isn't watching

The Karmic effect sticks

走一走 走着走着 就走完了

Go slow, be ready & avoid the ill-winds

Stay fit & healthy - the best gift that you can give to your family

沉默是金 Zen is Dao

Be indifferent, stay neutral & keep abreast when uncertainties surround

Nothing is finite nor lasting; live and let live, tomorrow's never promise

The actors in the world stage play their roles well; you must display the same or you'd be hoodwinked down the valley of death and destruction

Fight or flight is not the choice of a learned man - only bravery separates the boys from the Man

Ukraine and Taiwan are examples of situation where the ego outdone their abilities; when you cannot fight a bigger size enemy, strategy is the answer - the stone will always be harder than the egg

Ego, vanity and greed are the keys to self destruction

Humility and steadfastness are virtues that lead to security and prosperity

When unsure, step aside, take a deep breathe... retreat into your cocoon & wait for clarity

All pains pass as all disappointments are temporary

When you betray my trust, cheat me of my money and fail to deliver your promises, I am disappointed but I am not lost - you've lost a trustworthy friend and someone who stands by you

When you scheme to displace your business associates and colleagues to gain control, you are sowing the seeds of agreement that when the same happens to you, it is normal. You've planted the seed of retribution

The moon is always rounder and brighter over the fence but the moon gets her light from the sun & her shape changes from unseen to crescent to full moon

When I walk away, it's not that I've given up (on you), but it's because I'm saving my energy and self for someone more worthy ...your shadow shalt pass over time

No one is indispensable but in times of uncertainty, you can see who is/are around you ; alas! at times, there is none

I shalt pass this route but once; let me do all i can, with my fullest efforts and intent, for I may not pass again

Uncertainty has hidden opportunities

Some day soon, every one will realize that everything is temporary

Your deeds will return to haunt you

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