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Thursday, August 25, 2022

Be Helpful

some days when everything go wrong...

When the chips are down and the wrongs keep onslaughting 

You try to remain calm and calculated but the bottom is giving way

Temper rise as you are under sieged

The mind is willing to refrain from imploding & stay constant albeit unmoved but the attacks don't ease

Walking away and seeking help are solutions ...alas! these are out of reach too

Keep the lid tight, breath deeply, continue other engagements & try being indifferent to a highly charged environment

As age rises, even containing frustration isn't easy

I like to take the middle ground, walk away from fights and arguments and observe implode

Fools always think they can outsmart everyone ...cheat & lie their ways through

天时地利人和 不一定会成功 还是要有运气

In this uncertain time, cash is king

Cash buys solutions

Cash eases pains

Except for true love, even the Queen/woman can be bought - no money, no honey

Can money bend the Laws? Probably yes! The symbol of Justice is blindfolded but she still listens to her surroundings for sweet nothings

Woman is swayed by emotions

The evils will stop at nothing to win; cheat, lie... fake it until it comes

An honest Man will need to believe in the good GOD/Lord that the wrongs will be punished as the good will be rewarded - time is the best friend 

Aristocrats are make believe characters as they die like any other humans

Nobody is given the right to rule over another/others

It's the quiet, pliant ones and the blind followers that betray the societal trusts and cohesiveness

I am down but not out; I was betrayed and sold but I shall live to witness the defeats of these turncoats

Offer help if you can; if you can't or refused, Do Not cheat your way to victory

When Karma strikes, you'd feel the retribution of your evil deeds & selfishness

The world/globe is sick because of excessiveness - the overproduction are not equitably distributed to those in need resulting to wastes that poison the environment 

There is enough to go around - don't cheat

Be helpful to all around you - give more to receive peace of mind

Money do not buy peace and harmony

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