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Friday, September 2, 2022

Cherish Your (Every) Moments

 moving forward...

The world will never be equal yet made more unequal by the elite, powerful and greedy

It's normal that the top has few and the mass occupy the base

The pyramidal strengths: Rulers - Managers - Working class - Peasants & farmers

Peace, progress and prosperity will only continue if there is equity in distribution, care & share and compassion

The rich cannot live in a sea of poors

It is selfish of the Elites to expect the commoners to make the sacrifices while they dominate, harvest and hoard whatever the mass needs to lead a normal, no-frills life

The crazy rich knows no limits

Revolutions cannot succeed in a well-cared and reasonably well-fed population/society

There is light at the end of the tunnel & hope in every daylight

The dark moment is brighten by the lazy Moon

You cannot go back in time & neither can you ask for more time

Do your best today as tomorrow is never promised

Move forward and enjoy everyone's presence around you, especially your family

The seas join to the land while the sky watches

- Heaven never answers nor talks but watches 人在做天在看

- You can get all you wish & want as the Land provides abundantly 黄金满地

- YOU: you work for it 人性本善

Worrying gets you nowhere & reinforced negatively

Work your guts out & you will have no time to worry - a first step towards a stressless success

I was poor when young with only enough money for a meal a day and I did multiple jobs to eke a living. Complaints? Stressed? NO! There is no spare time to do either. I was happy with whatever I've done & every 'harvest' is GODsent

I made my first Million Dollars at 30yo; nothing to crow about though! I have always take whatever comes with a smile 苦中作乐 笑看天下

Some day, I will expire too - arrived nakedly, return without baggage

I don't have dreams but I fight for every goals that I set my sight on

Keep moving; like it or not, when your time is up, you have to stop

I cherish my every moments

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