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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Honor Your Commitment

get away from any dishonorable person...

It is tiring & discomforting to work with people that do not honor their commitments 

We fight to win the war and all/any betrayals will ruin the best strategy 

Betrayals are cancer of the system; it destroys stealthily

Once beaten; that's an experience

Beaten again by the same traitor, it's a fool's  choice  

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend  -  William Blake

When a committee consists of fragmented groups, it is the harbinger of disunity, betrayals and lost causes

Traitor must be destroyed or avoided at all costs

Looking alike does not mean behaving similarly; the fox will scheme and cheat while wolf are inherently loyal

Character flaws has no remedies & make the person infinitely unreliable

Nobody is born defective with character 人性本善

Nevertheless, selfishness and the seeking of fame, money and titles debase many a character

Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime -  Mineko Iwasaki

I am trying to purify my mind & Soul and not to react to betrayals by simply walking away with a smile; a tall challenge indeed

The urge to tear on the traitor outweighs at times but why do I want to dirty myself to hit back? I will hold back for as long as I can

I don't just fight! If I need to fight, I fight to win - winning is everything


If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once.
By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root - Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Never allow bitterness to build up for you will need to fight back vigorously to restore status quo

Life is filled with the positive ions 

Walking away is not a sign of weakness

As Buddha said "when someone gives you a gift and if you refuse to accept it, who still owns the gift"? The Giver

Do not give him the satisfaction to throw you under the bus and disrupting your innate comforts

There is a price for everything & energy should be cultured & incubated to bring enjoyment, positive outcomes & peaceful living

We help without expecting any returns but we also must know when to withhold any greases for unworthy causes - the heart must be mindful of evil & mischievous intentions

He who laughs last, laughs best

Walk away from troubles and troublemakers

Sunday, April 16, 2023

All Goals Are Achievable

waiting for the outcome...

Life is full of surprises but waiting can be an agony

When you are raring to go and the time is not ripe yet you have to remain calm, prepared and indifferent until opportune presents

Like the butterfly crawling out of the pupa with its wings wet; any attempt to hasten the crawling out and drying will permanently incapacitate the butterfly 

Nature's clock is perfect 天时地利人和。。。加好运气

When it's yours, you cannot miss it. Whatever aren't meant to be, will never be

Can you change your Fate & Fortune? Plausibly YES

Blaming Providence never benefits anyone as you refused to change even when knowing that you are in the wrong path or way

You cannot be a carpenter by working as a Chef & refusing to learn carpentry... use the lull period to arm yourself with a new skill set of your choice & you'd be in the right direction towards your goal

Most of us are never in the same boat but probably under the same weather

When you procrastinate, time passes & situation changes

When cities are abandoned, plants and Nature take over ~ bare land are quickly reforested and animals regain spaces

Time and tides wait for no man & death is the Leveler

The first breathe and the last breathe are irreversible and unnoticed

The baby arrives unannounced and death is almost always sudden

Do whatever you want while you can ~ also; do not keep things only to wear or to use on special occasions 

Fashion & fad pass & so will/is the person

Everything has an expiry date

Keep doing, continue searching and do not stop exploring

Your brain knows no limit 不是做不到而是还没想到

Life is about possibilities ~ set your goals and chase your dreams


You owe yourself the duty to live to the fullest

You need not worry too much in life after you have set your goal

You have the Sun to brighten the day and the Moon to reflect light at night. On a moonless night, the stars pickled lights in the dark sky

Time is the best friend

Tuesday, April 11, 2023



When you are tired physically and mentally, retreat, relax and seek 'recuperation & repairs'

It might be too late if you have passed (the) physically and mentally exhausted stage; you're probably already broken 

The threshold for stretching for every Man differs

六亲不认 世界无敌  When you are prepared to sacrifice everything to achieve anything, you're almost unbeatable; a choice few can achieve

Recalling: "an influential mother wanted her kid who got average grades to enter a SAP school and spoke to the school principal, a close friend". He replied "we've students who are like 1000cc, 2500cc and 5000cc cars. The 1000cc dropped out after first few months while the 2500cc struggled with some giving up and a few went 'mental'...!" Do you wanna burn-out your kid? Mental exhaustion is a no#U-Turn phenomena

You cannot mirror yourself onto your child(ren); we are all made different 

From birth to death, many seek the humanly unachievable goal and live miserably until their last breathe 

Unachievable is not definitive but you must do everything, if not most things, within your abilities and capabilities

Dreams are made of spice, sugar and everything nice

Nightmares are despairs, struggles and scary; spiraling within your body into awakening

Never retire to sleep without clearing your doubts, frustrations and unhappiness ... you'll awake more tired than before

Go with the flow of your biorhythm 顺其自然

Slow down a little. Enjoy your surrounding and watch the birds sing and smell the flowers ~ did you miss anything? Yes! You miss the moment when life is almost perfect

When I am tired, I don't give up; I give in to my bodily pleads ... I let my mind wonders and take breaks like long walks

Walking along the beach and walking through the woods are equally therapeutic  

You don't need any company - let your mind leads you through Nature; be lost and found in that moment

Have you ever wondered around your neighbourhood listlessly, discover the surroundings, finding lots of things and activities that you never realize were within your reach 

Nature is ever changing and climate change is a hoax; it's saying the obvious

The globe evolves except, I guess, GOD didn't anticipate that Man will dig the natural resources, transform them, use the useful parts and discard the unused spares indiscriminately and pollute Mother Earth at a speed where Nature couldn't 'rehabilitate' & dissolves the harmful leftovers expeditiously

Nature gets tired too ~ Extreme situation requires extreme solution

Nature may effect an underwater earthquake of more than 10 on the richter scale to cleanse up the ocean whereupon the voluminous wastes will be buried deep beneath the ocean crust thereafter

To effectively clean Mother Earth, once and for all, tornadoes and hurricanes will wash the pollutants into the ocean, followed by massive volcanic eruptions to burn them as the pollutants heads toward the ocean. The underwater earthquake will be the ultimate.

80% of Man(kind) will be destroyed too when Heaven decides to rehabilitate Mother Earth ~ the leftovers will stay to enjoy the newfoundland

By the time this happen, I may not be around to witness GOD's wrath

Let us ALL not be too tired, Nature included

Sunday, April 2, 2023

Stock Market: War & Currency Crisis

somebody's pain is another's gain...

The collapsed of SVBank, followed by SignatureBank & SilverGate bank seemed like an accepted phenomena ~ the run on SVB started with a withdrawal of $42bil, followed by a $120bil the next day

Someone must have wanted SVB dead

CreditSuisse collapsed thereafter was also aptly accepted & swallowed by UBS

Rumours of German DgBank was quickly dismissed as the German Govt stood firmly behind it

I have opined before that someday the MainStreet banks will be hit by the Sub#Street#eBanks and their crypto operations

The scary part is : every next collapse is bigger that the previous one yet they are termed "too big to collapse"

2023 is hounded by threats of wars, not just Ukraine/Russia but the unsettling SCSeas is boiling from provocations from western powers

Covid may have eased but the shortage of food and basic supplies will be aggravated if unrest erupts

Frankly, I hypothesize that we are nearer a nuclear WW3/war than any time before & there is nothing to freak(out). Why? When nukes fly, many of us will die even without knowing why

Dying in the immediacy of a nuke war is better than surviving the cold winter & days of no-sunlight, food, contamination of food chain, air & water

GOD never promised the end of the world but Man is mad enough to end it

In year 2000, I postulated that some day the world will be tri-polar: USA - United States of America, USE - United States of Europe and USAsia - United States of Asia and all will be oiled by MidEast

We are not far from this - hegemony is well and alive

I am neutral with whoever wants to dominate the world. Why? Anything that is beyond my influence and control is GOD's job

Man eats to live, not live to eat

Trading, buying & selling involve money which acts as a means of exchange but many are losing faith in the dollars/currencies

What will replace the dollars/currencies? The world may be forced to return to bartering but gold is surely a ready alternative

In the coming months, hard and soft commodities will rise and as shortages surface; this will be made worse by logistics breakdown

Cash is King but if money [as in currency were to lose it's value] becomes 'fiat', what value of exchange can it offer [ Fiat money is backed by a country's government instead of a physical commodity or financial instrument. This means most coin and paper currencies that are used throughout the world are fiat money. This includes the U.S. dollar, the British pound, the Indian rupee, and the euro].

The stock markets may be the savior when currencies lose their value

At the onset of a currency crisis, stock markets will swing down (plunge) but the companies will still have their intrinsic values. At some point during the plunge, money/currency will still be the main source of exchange and the same "money in hand" can buy more shares ~ fortunes reward the brave

Like inflation, share prices will rise again until another source of exchange is developed or definitive. Countries whose currencies are backed by gold will be the new arbiter and store of value

2023 is turbulent商机 but are you mentally prepared to capitalize on & reap the opportunities危机

The world will readjust

Are you ready to sit out the disruptions? It's not about how bad it is. It is whether you will be there when the good times are back

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...