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Tuesday, April 11, 2023



When you are tired physically and mentally, retreat, relax and seek 'recuperation & repairs'

It might be too late if you have passed (the) physically and mentally exhausted stage; you're probably already broken 

The threshold for stretching for every Man differs

六亲不认 世界无敌  When you are prepared to sacrifice everything to achieve anything, you're almost unbeatable; a choice few can achieve

Recalling: "an influential mother wanted her kid who got average grades to enter a SAP school and spoke to the school principal, a close friend". He replied "we've students who are like 1000cc, 2500cc and 5000cc cars. The 1000cc dropped out after first few months while the 2500cc struggled with some giving up and a few went 'mental'...!" Do you wanna burn-out your kid? Mental exhaustion is a no#U-Turn phenomena

You cannot mirror yourself onto your child(ren); we are all made different 

From birth to death, many seek the humanly unachievable goal and live miserably until their last breathe 

Unachievable is not definitive but you must do everything, if not most things, within your abilities and capabilities

Dreams are made of spice, sugar and everything nice

Nightmares are despairs, struggles and scary; spiraling within your body into awakening

Never retire to sleep without clearing your doubts, frustrations and unhappiness ... you'll awake more tired than before

Go with the flow of your biorhythm 顺其自然

Slow down a little. Enjoy your surrounding and watch the birds sing and smell the flowers ~ did you miss anything? Yes! You miss the moment when life is almost perfect

When I am tired, I don't give up; I give in to my bodily pleads ... I let my mind wonders and take breaks like long walks

Walking along the beach and walking through the woods are equally therapeutic  

You don't need any company - let your mind leads you through Nature; be lost and found in that moment

Have you ever wondered around your neighbourhood listlessly, discover the surroundings, finding lots of things and activities that you never realize were within your reach 

Nature is ever changing and climate change is a hoax; it's saying the obvious

The globe evolves except, I guess, GOD didn't anticipate that Man will dig the natural resources, transform them, use the useful parts and discard the unused spares indiscriminately and pollute Mother Earth at a speed where Nature couldn't 'rehabilitate' & dissolves the harmful leftovers expeditiously

Nature gets tired too ~ Extreme situation requires extreme solution

Nature may effect an underwater earthquake of more than 10 on the richter scale to cleanse up the ocean whereupon the voluminous wastes will be buried deep beneath the ocean crust thereafter

To effectively clean Mother Earth, once and for all, tornadoes and hurricanes will wash the pollutants into the ocean, followed by massive volcanic eruptions to burn them as the pollutants heads toward the ocean. The underwater earthquake will be the ultimate.

80% of Man(kind) will be destroyed too when Heaven decides to rehabilitate Mother Earth ~ the leftovers will stay to enjoy the newfoundland

By the time this happen, I may not be around to witness GOD's wrath

Let us ALL not be too tired, Nature included

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