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Saturday, April 29, 2023

Honor Your Commitment

get away from any dishonorable person...

It is tiring & discomforting to work with people that do not honor their commitments 

We fight to win the war and all/any betrayals will ruin the best strategy 

Betrayals are cancer of the system; it destroys stealthily

Once beaten; that's an experience

Beaten again by the same traitor, it's a fool's  choice  

It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend  -  William Blake

When a committee consists of fragmented groups, it is the harbinger of disunity, betrayals and lost causes

Traitor must be destroyed or avoided at all costs

Looking alike does not mean behaving similarly; the fox will scheme and cheat while wolf are inherently loyal

Character flaws has no remedies & make the person infinitely unreliable

Nobody is born defective with character 人性本善

Nevertheless, selfishness and the seeking of fame, money and titles debase many a character

Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime -  Mineko Iwasaki

I am trying to purify my mind & Soul and not to react to betrayals by simply walking away with a smile; a tall challenge indeed

The urge to tear on the traitor outweighs at times but why do I want to dirty myself to hit back? I will hold back for as long as I can

I don't just fight! If I need to fight, I fight to win - winning is everything


If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once.
By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root - Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut

Never allow bitterness to build up for you will need to fight back vigorously to restore status quo

Life is filled with the positive ions 

Walking away is not a sign of weakness

As Buddha said "when someone gives you a gift and if you refuse to accept it, who still owns the gift"? The Giver

Do not give him the satisfaction to throw you under the bus and disrupting your innate comforts

There is a price for everything & energy should be cultured & incubated to bring enjoyment, positive outcomes & peaceful living

We help without expecting any returns but we also must know when to withhold any greases for unworthy causes - the heart must be mindful of evil & mischievous intentions

He who laughs last, laughs best

Walk away from troubles and troublemakers

1 comment:

spawnshady said...

Learning and learn fast. The disappointment and hurt is immense and it takes much to have it restore to parity

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