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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Sweetest Victory

letting go is the easiest but seldom achievable...

Letting go is easy if there are no emotions and desires

Comforts and habits make most things attachable and indispensable

Good times pass faster than bad times because when you are enjoying the pleasures, no efforts need be expended whereas in the reverse, you sulk and indulge in self pity and agonize over the losses

Good times and bad times are like sunrise and sunset; they pass ~ accept it and life is a breeze

From rags to riches, Man get used to the better things and time that money could afford & that create material attachments

Different persons approach to life differently; the beggar has no choice, the wealthy is spoilt for choices while the elite hoard choices and the dictator demand choices

Give up, walk away, retreat, hibernate and recuperate, learn and hone a new skill and be prepared for the new era; successes go to those who are prepared and ready for new challenges 

Winner takes all but no one, NO ONE, can shines forever... there are days when flowers fade, where too much sunshine makes the place a desert and where flood waters wash away almost everything

There are days that the world stands still, the breeze is stale and the air stagnant but the days are limited yet numbered ~ all shalt pass

Some days, I'd rather be alone, especially the battered days ~ to lick the wounds and find comfort with GOD - HIS omnipresence heals

The world will never be equal and inequality will widens further as selfishness, greed and envy explode to swarm Mankind

Going forward, the world's wealth and resources will be controlled by the top 5% and 85% will wallow at the bottom of the food chain, suffering the curse of poverty, with the remaining 10% being indifferent as they couldn't change the situation...

You have to find peace in GOD

Someone asked why didn't I respond aggressively and seek 'revenge' & fairness against those perpetrators and traitors? I do not seek material gains any more than is necessary; let me say humbly, "I have enough to live a safe, wholesome life". Besides, it is not for me to teach others a lesson. I don't teach lessons; I take a pound of flesh if I need to react

I believe there are many PUTINs around: To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them there is up to me ~ Vladimir Putin.

Everyone is a GOD#fearing person and will shrink when death stares into their eyes

The wisdom of a swordsman 勇士[侠士] is to live a wholesome, worthy life worth mentioning, not a coward who digs into the ground

Let go if you must

Every emotional reaction is detrimental to your health; it doesn't pay to be upset

The sweetest victory is to watch your enemies and traitors gorged by the PUTINs

Ultimately, GOD will deliver and cares for you

Monday, January 8, 2024

Reject The Rejection

rejection is a norm ...

When a close relative needed help urgently, my door is almost always their nearest stop

It's no small sum but it was a "must help" ~ somehow against better judgement, I helped

When the amount was returned some years later, she was disgruntled and felt that I had gained from helping & it was she who gave me the opportunity [borrowed $250,000 on an asset valued at $500,000, hence my share is 50%. I could have bought the full 100%. Years later, it was sold at $1m and each of us got $500,000] Our relationship never got back to before the loan

In another case, i extended an emergency loan. Two years later, she needed another larger loan urgently, if not yesterday, today! I refused as I have not been paid. Now, the relationship is cold as wintry breeze. Whether i can or cannot collect the (full) sum still remains uncertain. 

I remain cool & collected and all shalt pass. I am just a tool to their ends. 

I have been rejected for 'not' helping and it's fast becoming a norm

Loans with collateral are like water whereas those without collateral are like fire. WATER - When a ship sinks, you can still find the sunken ship. FIRE - In a fire, the ship become ashes    

My experiences with 'friendly' loans have almost always been bad. You find it hard to say "NO" and you'd learn that it's harder to get back thereafter. Long ago, I have learnt that it is better to loss a friend than to loss a friend and (your) money. But, today, I am still falling for the same

Alas! Afterall, I am only a Human, stuffed with emotions... but I am learning to accept rejections

Rejection gives me peace of mind and allow my hard earned monies to grease my life, a day at a time

The fool and his money will soon part

The best strategy is to say "NO" when others ask for favors. If he really needs the favor, he will seek another for help or ask you a second time. If your feeling is still no good, reject him. After all, you will be rejected after you part with your money; the choice is obvious

Trust is built over time yet a single betrayal is enough to break the camel's neck

穷 - 穷要穷得清白     富 - 富要富的明白

My business dealings have been based on trust, some called it "credibility"; lost some, made some but always suffer because I am, and have been, too trusting 

In today's scam prone environment, every "Yes" opens the floodgate to potential scammers

I guess, everyone starts with a common yet noble cause and is willing to share the spoils

It is perfectly fine that partners have different views or approaches but as the numbers/dollars get bigger, greed seeps in. The desire to dominate and control gain strength resulting in rivalry, not cooperation and partnership

With divided commitments and clandestine stealth in-fighting, trust is undermined & survival is at stake

It is best to leave the scene to regain some semblance of sanity and integrity ~ money can make but integrity and trust cannot be bought

The occasional betrayals and rejections can be very demoralizing; it takes a wise man to swallow the pains quietly and walk away

Kindness is taken as weakness

Failures & Fail ~ Many who fail did not recover for a simple reason that they blame everything else except themself, refused to examine the causes, sulk and indulge in self-misery 

Worse, they reject logical, level minded and practical solutions

Nobody succeed by repeatedly using the same old solutions on an exiting problem; it's like having a wrong key to the same lock

Avoid those that blame the world except themself for their failures & yet demanding help in an instant. Help has become "no more" incidental but a birthright to them; 蛤蟆永远不会变成青蛙(王子)

Accepting rejection as a norm is not unlike accepting that the world will never be equal; the earlier you accept it, the happier you will be

Bricks and stones break bones, not words

Reject ALL those who reject you for not helping. Helping is incidental, not a birthright


Monday, January 1, 2024

Update 2024

only the calendar changes, the rest continue...

Monday is the new day, new week, new month of the new year 2024 - 1st January, 2024

Life continues, issues continue and ... you continue breathing 人在事在 时间未停留

What will 2024 bring? Unlike the past many years, I will not offer any projections nor speculation

I will just do what & whatever fits ~ my Mind shalt rule and my actions, speak

Whatever tomorrow holds or promises is no longer important, it's the "NOW"

I will reduce and contain the uncertainties, pigeon-holed the risks and let loose my fury of initiatives and plausibility : think through, act within my ability and resources but push newer frontiers

No task is too small nor large when I am ready, willing & prepared

Trust will be sidelined and replace with signed agreements and undertakings

Making money is fun and fulfilling but it's not the defining start point

If I like it, reasonably think it's workable, confident of the outcome, I will do it

The last few years were the best teacher; you need to be useful so that people can engage & 'make use' of (you)

All promises are just PROMISES until delivered

When anyone says "my word is worth the weight in gold", I will take the gold anytime

Am I more materialistic or mercenary? NO. I have enough to go around but I don't have time to waste & spend on scammers and fiends who look for kind persons to exploit

If I don't harvest the economic returns, I can use my time more fruitfully on my family and charity works; not to be exploited and mined like raw resources and sold 赔了夫人又折兵

I have been magnanimous and walk away after being exploited, harmed and suffered losses, not for fear but my inner heart reminds me that Karma will take care. Alas! Why do I need to take the stab on the back then watch Nature punish the recalcitrant? NO more... I will avoid them altogether or 先兵后礼 sign definitive and punitive terms before the start as unfortunately 先礼后兵 being a gentleman doesn't help nor reward nowadays

The fight is in the dog, not it's size

 If you wanna fly like an eagle, you cannot work with turkeys

Time passes but institutions remain... some disappear though

A man must leave behind a legacy, not as a coward who lives & sneak through, but a well-lived, his life

I have chosen to quieten myself into the new year and let my actions speak ~ I will make myself scarce

Being nice, friendly, reaching-out and avoiding confrontations didn't give me satisfaction of peace(fulness), but viewed as weak and gullible

Scarcity raises mystery and inquisitiveness 

Legends are not seen but heard long after they have left the scene and their impacts felt

2024 will surprise

It is the speed of change and the impactful effects that the new year will bring, where even the veterans will be surprised

You cannot win unless you are prepare ahead

For the few that make it over this year, a newfound fortune will give you the handsomest reach

For once, I am more confident & hopeful of success despite deep uncertainty

Brave The Changes

attitude is definitive... Epic signs of negative responses surface during lunar eclipses ... 14th March is the Total Lunar Eclipse Generally...