letting go is the easiest but seldom achievable...
Letting go is easy if there are no emotions and desires
Comforts and habits make most things attachable and indispensable
Good times pass faster than bad times because when you are enjoying the pleasures, no efforts need be expended whereas in the reverse, you sulk and indulge in self pity and agonize over the losses
Good times and bad times are like sunrise and sunset; they pass ~ accept it and life is a breeze
From rags to riches, Man get used to the better things and time that money could afford & that create material attachments
Different persons approach to life differently; the beggar has no choice, the wealthy is spoilt for choices while the elite hoard choices and the dictator demand choices
Give up, walk away, retreat, hibernate and recuperate, learn and hone a new skill and be prepared for the new era; successes go to those who are prepared and ready for new challenges
Winner takes all but no one, NO ONE, can shines forever... there are days when flowers fade, where too much sunshine makes the place a desert and where flood waters wash away almost everything
There are days that the world stands still, the breeze is stale and the air stagnant but the days are limited yet numbered ~ all shalt pass
Some days, I'd rather be alone, especially the battered days ~ to lick the wounds and find comfort with GOD - HIS omnipresence heals
The world will never be equal and inequality will widens further as selfishness, greed and envy explode to swarm Mankind
Going forward, the world's wealth and resources will be controlled by the top 5% and 85% will wallow at the bottom of the food chain, suffering the curse of poverty, with the remaining 10% being indifferent as they couldn't change the situation...
You have to find peace in GOD
Someone asked why didn't I respond aggressively and seek 'revenge' & fairness against those perpetrators and traitors? I do not seek material gains any more than is necessary; let me say humbly, "I have enough to live a safe, wholesome life". Besides, it is not for me to teach others a lesson. I don't teach lessons; I take a pound of flesh if I need to react
I believe there are many PUTINs around: To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them there is up to me ~ Vladimir Putin.
Everyone is a GOD#fearing person and will shrink when death stares into their eyes
The wisdom of a swordsman 勇士[侠士] is to live a wholesome, worthy life worth mentioning, not a coward who digs into the ground
Let go if you must
Every emotional reaction is detrimental to your health; it doesn't pay to be upset
The sweetest victory is to watch your enemies and traitors gorged by the PUTINs
Ultimately, GOD will deliver and cares for you
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