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Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Give In But Never Give Up

swimming against the tides is suicidal...

Patience is when you are cornered and you cannot respond; there is no choice but to let time takes over

Time is the best friend but when you want fast results, expected patience is a torment by itself

You see and sense your goodwill, contributions and efforts being eroded yet you cannot do anything to arrest the decline nor wrestle back control

Karma has its own timing

What do you do when you know you'd win finally but you must witness the damage unfold, layer by layer? Patience and... more patience

Take it as a lesson and bite the bitter pill; bite tightly until the ill winds blew past

When you regain the upper hand, its the sweetest victory

You would not know the impactful pains of people "walking over your dead body" until it happened (when you are alive). It is not unlike 苦中作乐  ~ putting up the bravest smile when the innards have already collapsed

Bystanders and sympathizers who knew of the facts, empathize with you but can only listen

They are not in the grueling fire, nor taking the heat & burns

Every challenging times that I go through is different; in intensity, impact and pains

No two are the same   

The only best solution is to do what you do best, continues unabatedly with level, cool mindedness

It is like a new slash wound; the pain is intense and previous experiences do not make it any less painful

Why "me" is irrelevant

The earlier that one accept that the world will never be equal nor fair, the less painful it will be

Fighting back is not necessarily the best solution especially if you are half-hearted about it and fear hurting them

Remember - when they decided to hit you, scam you or to take you for a ride, you were already a digit to be used and disposed

人本来就是要有利用价值 但不能被“空”用

Do unto others what you want others to do unto you but that's academic

Not everyone obliges the Rules of Laws and many prefer the Laws of the Jungle

However, I believe the nobility of the actions and the magnanimity of the heart will ultimately be rewarded

Some times the hunter becomes the hunted

There is no revenge in life but destruction

In Buddhist teachings, it is said "you cannot cure hatred with more hatred and vengeance. You cure it with Love"  

I guess, humour is the best antidotes ; you laugh away your sorrows and defeats

The blade of grass and the willow tree danced in the winds while the old oak tree was uprooted; fighting against the tides is the surest way to defeat

It is not about giving up but to persevere, burn less and save resources, lie below the firing line...SURVIVE, then return

Dead man tells no tales 人在事在 人亡事忘

There are no living heroes


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