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Monday, January 1, 2024

Update 2024

only the calendar changes, the rest continue...

Monday is the new day, new week, new month of the new year 2024 - 1st January, 2024

Life continues, issues continue and ... you continue breathing 人在事在 时间未停留

What will 2024 bring? Unlike the past many years, I will not offer any projections nor speculation

I will just do what & whatever fits ~ my Mind shalt rule and my actions, speak

Whatever tomorrow holds or promises is no longer important, it's the "NOW"

I will reduce and contain the uncertainties, pigeon-holed the risks and let loose my fury of initiatives and plausibility : think through, act within my ability and resources but push newer frontiers

No task is too small nor large when I am ready, willing & prepared

Trust will be sidelined and replace with signed agreements and undertakings

Making money is fun and fulfilling but it's not the defining start point

If I like it, reasonably think it's workable, confident of the outcome, I will do it

The last few years were the best teacher; you need to be useful so that people can engage & 'make use' of (you)

All promises are just PROMISES until delivered

When anyone says "my word is worth the weight in gold", I will take the gold anytime

Am I more materialistic or mercenary? NO. I have enough to go around but I don't have time to waste & spend on scammers and fiends who look for kind persons to exploit

If I don't harvest the economic returns, I can use my time more fruitfully on my family and charity works; not to be exploited and mined like raw resources and sold 赔了夫人又折兵

I have been magnanimous and walk away after being exploited, harmed and suffered losses, not for fear but my inner heart reminds me that Karma will take care. Alas! Why do I need to take the stab on the back then watch Nature punish the recalcitrant? NO more... I will avoid them altogether or 先兵后礼 sign definitive and punitive terms before the start as unfortunately 先礼后兵 being a gentleman doesn't help nor reward nowadays

The fight is in the dog, not it's size

 If you wanna fly like an eagle, you cannot work with turkeys

Time passes but institutions remain... some disappear though

A man must leave behind a legacy, not as a coward who lives & sneak through, but a well-lived, his life

I have chosen to quieten myself into the new year and let my actions speak ~ I will make myself scarce

Being nice, friendly, reaching-out and avoiding confrontations didn't give me satisfaction of peace(fulness), but viewed as weak and gullible

Scarcity raises mystery and inquisitiveness 

Legends are not seen but heard long after they have left the scene and their impacts felt

2024 will surprise

It is the speed of change and the impactful effects that the new year will bring, where even the veterans will be surprised

You cannot win unless you are prepare ahead

For the few that make it over this year, a newfound fortune will give you the handsomest reach

For once, I am more confident & hopeful of success despite deep uncertainty

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