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Sunday, July 28, 2024

Trust NO One

Nothing can heal & compensate for emotional hurts except to ignore...

Workers work for remuneration while the Management works to control and for rewards

Politicians work for power, status and money ... & control

Some suggest that "so long you get what you want, take & walk" as different strata in Society demand  satisfaction differently

Yes; so long as you can 'stomach' the hurts and losses, take and walk away... what if you can't? Ignore the pains and walk away

Fight to win ~ you only fight back if the chances of winning is high(er); never be the sacrificial lamb

Live to fight another day

Hurts heal over time and losses can be made back if only you live healthily and await your time

Chance must be managed & not taken recklessly 

Believe in & accept Karma 因果 - 种因得果 It is not unlike "everything happens for a reason"

In most religious teachings, you are told to accept things that you cannot change and everything happens for the better

This is not to say "remain a weakling and never fight back!" It is a reminder to learn from the setback, train & upskill, and be alerted not to foolishly do the same thing again

Most live less than 36,500 days but all die only once ... never live the life of a coward

You may be born poor but do not die a pauper - nothing is permanent

Nothing is guaranteed nor certain, even failures

Life, like sunrise and sunset, it's normal; the rest, only time can tell & change is the only constant

Rooted too tightly and grand like the old, oak tree but couldn't withstand the onslaught of the winds and storm whereas the blade of grass dance merrily in the breeze

Never take advantage of the less able and less well off; give a helping hand if you can 

Never assume someone that who didn't respond or return a favor is bad as he could in worse dire straits than you are aware of 

BUT, move away those that had bitten your hands after you had helped them -  avoid them like a plague - they are parasites ever ready to 'milk you dry'

Be smart, do good but ... watch out who you wanna help

Unrepentant, serial liars, traitors, substance abusers, violent persons, demanding and unappreciative persons do not deserve any help.

Everyone deserves something, punishments included

Help only if you can and are willing & expect nothing

Trust GOD, most others have failings 



Thursday, July 25, 2024

My Time Is Limited

nothing can predict and anticipate the future...

For someone who has not suffered any serious illness before, the first attack is both unbelievable and unsettling

GOD  has a way to stop any mortal on his tracks; HE served the second attack, followed by a third

You call this a trial or a warning; I don't know

Medical issues must be handled by the medical specialists; no amount of detest and "why me" nor superstitions help. Stay calm, seek medical professionals opinions and second opinions, then choose your course of action

Getting well again is the key; takes time though

Patient... be very patient and let it heal and trust GOD ~ HE stops you from racing blindly towards the end. You are not needed yet

No matter how fast you race ahead, clearing all obstacles & ignore wiser advice, HE will stop you with HIS ways [methods]

I had my share

No regrets but accept ~ nobody can swim against the tides

I am grateful for my renewed health but this also makes me 'more mortal'

活在当下  不求天长地久  只要潇洒过一生

When your health deteriorates or there is a sudden attack, it is a clear signal to "slow down, relax, rejuvenates, repairs and let your physical body reboot"   

There is a need to fine tune and rebalance the mind and your physique

Problems do not go away but manifest 

Circumstances may change to ease the obstacles & restore a balance ... sometimes, called "LUCK"

BUT, but... few are endowed with blessings of abundant luck

Almost everyone needs to manage and overcome the consequences to become better ~ there is 'no free lunch'

Walk away from unnecessary troubles, gossips, conflicts, hearsays and irrelevance 

Tomorrow will be better

Stay healthy, happy and be cheerful; tomorrow is never promised

有个平常心  过一天赚一天

Everyone at every ages make wishes & prays that the GOD will grant readily; me too

But, now my wish is to "stay healthy, happy and ignore the irrelevance of disruptive noises"

I can plan, I will work towards my goals but I have also accept that whatever comes is a bonus without which I loss nothing

I am trying to leave bondage and cultivate wisdom

The material well being is good to have but not in excess

无为无不为 I am not giving up but I will go with the flows


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Some Day Soon, Everyone Will Be History

after I walked past, I may not return...

The trials and tribulations are passing moments ~ be patient, let go and be relieved of burden of hates and regrets

Today's gains maybe tomorrow's losses; you may win an argument but you loss the relationship

Never win a battle to loss the war

Home is not a place for reason(ings) but plentiful of 'gives and takes'. At most times, you give & the rest take 

Resentment, envy and hates are toxins that cannot be ignored but need to be neutralized

Fight against negative and you receive more negatives; fighting fire with fires is possible if you are prepared for colossal destruction

面子不值钱 ~ 放下面子 钱财两得 

Put on a mask, build a facade and face the unreal world

Speak to the audience & please their ears; music to their ears is better than any orchestra. Delivering a successful sales pitch is an Art; "no best deal can be adopted if its too truthful"  甜蜜的谎言

见人说人话 见鬼说鬼话 ~ 这世界真正喜欢听好听的话 不是真话

In psychology, it's empirically proven that the "Man loves to loss". 

Before he starts to gamble, he'd say "at most I loss $10,000". He places his stake and wins... he'll bet bigger. Finally, he will attempt a "double or quit or show-hand". Why? He is prepared to loss

Nobody can help unless he has the resources and abilities; be empowered

Built your resources; with excess resources, you can 'buy' labor and solutions 

Every steps I take, I leave a footprint [along the path]

Every praises and criticism are not my choice; safely ignore

Words never hurt but being emotional is inherently damaging

Victory is sweetest when glory returns ... but, enjoy the small victories too

Never indulge in regrets nor let others words affect you

Fight to win if need be

Live in the currency of life; today is perishable

Whether you are 21yo or 71yo, live your best today and everyday

Growing old is a privilege as not everyone live to see their twilight years

If you don't explore & build your pipeline of achievements, defeats included, you may have no memories to recall nor story to tell

My future is dictated by my current mental and physical capabilities; there is no chance to rush as, sometimes, the spirit is willing but the physique limit 

天时地利人和  也要有好运

I am waiting patiently

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Be Discipline Or Be A Failure

discipline or the lack of discipline can be fatal...

Theory, philosophy, great teachings aplenty but without discipline and conscientious application, it is void 

No amount of learning helps unless  it is applied with discipline and honesty

It is like giving you the map and direction but you'd still get lost

I have taken lengthy routes to reach where I am today, with some hits and misses

The world is never stagnant and every ten years (cycle), you will take monumental changes; sometimes not by choice

If there is nothing better to do, remain still ~ alas! an easy idea but few can consciously practice

If there is nothing better to say, say nothing & never say anything when you're angry nor make promises when you are happy

I have paid dearly for lack of discipline

Never seek recognition for fame, power and money; foolish vanity pays bad dividends

When you are down, lie low and guard your last penny; read, listen & watch more, speak less 

You may be born poor but the world is yours to conquer; it is your own doing if you die poor(er)

Never indulge in idle gossips nor bask in fortuitous compliments - such words have no bearings and only return to haunt when the hustle is over - a hollowed happiness 空虚

Humans thrive on hopes, promises, potentials, dreams, possibilities ... but, there is a patent need to work & crystalize them

No amount of hard work can replace smart judgements and strategic, streetwise decisions

Alas!! Some days are simply bad

Regrets cannot save a sinking boat; only patience, grit and wisdom can salvage the situation

不要脸就是无敌   When you can adamantly ignore the criticism, displeasure and belittlings, nothing hurts   ~   脸:不是人给的而是自己丢的

Confidence and smartness, I have but with repeated defeats I will crash too

My suave facade hides a crashed internals 

At times, I wished I can walk away into the wilderness to heal but reality is always cruel

It is a "now or out" game; stay cool, breathe easier and look blankly but smartly

The eyes of the eagle never betray

Hold the facade & fort and let the internal heals ~ pain is temporary

70% of the world is not interested in a failure while 20% is glad that you fail... the 10% cannot be found

You came alone, die alone and, needless to say, suffers alone

Keep your head down when you are lost (a loser) but look straight, recompose, heal, rejuvenate and return a  WINNER

Winning is everything

The winner is not the strongest nor the smartest but the one who outlasts everyone

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Positive Attitude Wins Any Day

believe in yourself that you will make it...

Attitude is everything

If you think you can [do it], half the battle is won

Nobody can run you down without your approval

The King of the Jungle, the Lion, believes it dominates & rules and can eat any other species

The world is not bothered with your self-esteem and self-actualization. You are expected to demonstrate and display your quality

Talents: Don't wait to be discovered! Show it if you have ~ the unpolished gem is a stone

Even with the best FengShui风水, waiting to be discovered is a lost cause

The truths must stand out against the fakes; the earlier the better to ease future consequences, made worse by half-truths, self-entitlements and ulterior motives

Do your best 做好本分 ~ the army cannot fight on empty stomachs and the Chef keeps their spirits going  ~ the spirit is willing but the body is weak. The wok is as powerful as the guns

Fortune foretelling, occult, soothsayer and the likes can, or may, tell your future but what's the point of knowing if there is no solutions to possible bad outcomes? Believe in yourself that you are the definitive decider

You are born to express, not to impress. If all else fails; my life, my rules ~ bend a little isn't impossible

Need not be arrogant but you must take a stand... a "no" is a "NO" 没事就没事 有事可成大事 Never gamble with your (own) integrity, credibility and moral inclinations

Winning is everything and do your utmost zest to win... without underhand tactics and schemes

Whatever is yours shalt be yours

I am a fighter, a warrior; never a coward with traitorous thoughts

I live 'forever' and only die once  ~ between being born and dying, I wanna live my dreams and crystalize my goals

Breathe.. breathe, let go of stress! You deserved a good, free life, void of unwanted interference; a positive attitude wins all

There is no hardship in life; it's all about attitude. Get it right and get going; no one can stop a runaway train

Never gamble with outright risks - Starting from zero to zero is zero, but strive to win by at least ONE. It motivates

Beggars haven't much choices but, without life, you can't even be one. Live to fight another day

Attitude overcomes fear and paralysis & positive begets more positive responses


Sometimes, I feel that I want to live another 50years but I reminded myself that quality beats quantity & I'm living it now. If HE calls me back now, I wouldn't be able to refuse but, perhaps, with a few brownie points collected over time, slight extension is still possible

Man proposes, GOD disposes & I am disposable

Live your best today, any day & every day

I Want Back My Simple Life

looking back and letting go of the past... As you move forward in life, you reminisce your past  When you were struggling to put meals on th...